Aug 19, 2009 13:28
o hi! I moved into my first apartment two days ago! We were woken up by window fairies yesterday morning. They whistle and sing and scrape and listen to mexicano! Courtni and I did some book shopping (got Through the Looking Glass and Hound of the Baskervilles for $2 each!- and Xenocide!) and made tuna helper (which I have reheated for today's lunch YUM). We also watched The Village, then found the soundtrack and sheet music for it (we both play violin).
Nate got his computer fixed (YAY) so we've been playing some TF2 here and there. Earned a couple achievements for pyro, and was even brave enough to play as a scout (always feels good to top your old records, non-existant or not!). He got all moved into his suite in Cleveland last night. I think it'll be easier this year for us because not only have we experienced a year apart (a very bad one at that), but we both have living spaces and friends that we're more fond of.
Speaking of friends, our other two roommates arrived a couple of hours ago. The three of them are always so high-energy! @_@ It's a good thing, though XD
I applied to be a desk clerk at some upperclassmen dorms, so that'd be a great alternative to food service. Sounds like the admin offices only want workers that are in some working program.
So yeah, haven't finished unpacking, quite. My side of the room looks a mess haha. Tonight we have a floor meeting, and after that I have a meeting about my duties as a volunteer helping people move into the dorm I lived in last year.
The mussel-digging trip was delayed due to the rain, so the earliest we can go out is Saturday, we think. We'll see.
Apparently my webcam wants to do a total overhaul of its programs...