Forever21 Spree (Cancelled)

Apr 22, 2010 21:58

Please read Terms & Conditions before joining the spree.
Spree opened on 22nd April 2010. 

Terms & Conditions:
1. Please post and make your payment in one comment. If otherwise. delete and repost if you need to make any changes.
2. I will not be held responsible if the merchant sends a wrong/damaged item. However I will try my best while ordering to ensure that there will be no errors.
3. I reserve the right to close the spree anytime I like, or to cancel it even should the response be poor.
4. Updates will be done via this spree page and also via emails.
5. Waiting time would be 2 weeks


Closing Date:
25th April 2010, 11.59PM (Payment)

Payment Details:
Please make payment to POSB Savings 228-33063-9

Mode Of Collection:
Meet up might be possible if schedule allows me girls (: We will inform you guys when the stocks arrive!
Normal Postage = $2,00
Registered Postage= $4.50
*Do note that the price of postage depends on the weight of your parcels as well

$2.00 for every item purchased.

Order Format:
Bank Account: 
Mode of Collection:

Item name:
Item's URL:
price in USD: 
Alternative: (Please put the item name, item url, size, color. choose something of the same price value or lower!)

Total price in USD:
Total price in SGD: USD*1.45 + $2*(Amt of items altogether) + Postage

Transaction Details
Mode of Payment: ATM transfer/Interbank transfer/iBanking
Time & Date of Payment:
Reference no.:
iBanking Nick: (only if you opt payment by iBanking. If not please ignore)

Contact Details:
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