pinged in the soul.

Feb 20, 2009 13:10

So when I introduced myself, I took a quick poll which I've been using to judge what Stein would know of your character's character, in addition to the occasional wiki-ing for those whose canons I don't know so well. However, I realize I should probably have something in his journal that people can comment to.

For those of you who don't know Soul Eater's irritatingly complex canon, Stein can see (and to some degree manipulate) the spiritual essence/energy within people which the series calls "souls".

In his canon, Stein is like, the super-best most amazing Soul Technician ever to come out of Shibusen. (That would be the school which trains kids to kill criminals with their sentient/anthropomorphic weapons and then consume their souls.) He has a few IT'S OVER 9000 moments in the manga, and it's implied we haven't really seen the extent of his powers.

Stein can see souls; he can channel his own soul energy into his awesome martial arts moves to make kicking and punching SUPER ESPECIALLY painful; he has a 'flexible' soul wavelength (is this a metaphor?) which means he can attune himself with the soul of any weapon used to attack him; and he can manipulate his own soul and other's to cause various effects; for instance, he can "sew" through all the nerves of a person's body to effectively immbolize them. He also has a whole bunch of moves with awesome names and cool combos with his occasional-weapon, the Death Scythe (someone app Spirit!!)

IN MICRO, however, I am limiting his power severely until further notice. This means Stein can still:
- See souls and soul wavelengths.
- 'Tune' himself into the soul wavelengths of others' to avoid taking damage from them.
- Manipulate his own soul, with great effort, to either temporarily disable someone or maybe soul-punch them a little. This is mainly now an 'emergencies only' power.

...I may come back and edit this with links to a website that is better at explaining all that animu superpower bullshit than I am.

So essentially, Stein can switch into "Soul-o'-vision" when he gets interested in somebody and read their larger emotional reactions. A soul also says something about its owner's key personality traits, and often reveals how powerful they are or if there is something 'unusual' about them (like being inhuman, or immortal) though it doesn't specify what.

However, if Stein finds you interesting, he's liable to want to bring out the scalpels. So, to make both of us feel a little more comfortable about all of this:

a) Can Stein see your character's soul?
b) What will that tell him about their personality?
c) Is your character immortal, magical, or non-human in some way?

I'll be getting permission to touch or attack or cut up individually, and please feel free to say 'no' to a) - that chip in his brain works in mysterious ways, after all. Go into as much detail as you want. Often I may know a series, in which case I'll let you know, but wiki links are helpful for when I'm frantically referring to this post mid-thread.
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