Jan 20, 2005 22:49
You move me in a way i once thought indescribable.
But now i see that to be inexpressive is to be blind.
But something this good... im almost incapable
of filling the spaces with the words in my mind.
I cant believe its really happening!
True happiness at its peak for once.
The entrapments of my mind unraveling
to tell you once and for all
the true inner, and solely determinable force in my life
that is none other than me.
Was i so blind my life?
Why could i not see
that all of this was futile in the end...?
No reason to hide behind false pretenses.
And why should i?
Take me for who i am, not who i can be.
Thats what i lived by.
And even now, as time ticks its horribly beautiful self away into the night,
i see that none could make me happier than you my dear,
my sweet, my suffering, my delight,
my sweet that takes my pain when i am burdened
my suffering in my most favorable desired pains of love
my delightful kisses, especially when ive earned it,
my forever yours, sincerely, that has shown me of love
that love has never left me, only been dorment, shut away
to resurface in the fresh light
like a flower brightening the day.
And with my love of life it carries with me near
the hope of a brighter tomorrow, with the one i hold so dear.