Come with me in the twilight of a summer night for awhile | holyrelic Application

Jun 11, 2010 16:34

NAME | Avie
JOURNAL | aviekokyre
E-MAIL | aviekokyre @ gmail . com
MESSENGER | aviekokyre (AIM)

CHARACTER NAME | Agent BA-5 "Spin" (goes by Spin)
CHARACTER SERIES | Elite Beat Agents
CANON POINT | post game
DESIRED CLASS & REASONING | Macabre Dancer: The Elite Beat Agents (EBA) are a secret government organization that motivates the downtrodden to do their best against impossible tasks when they want to give up, helping them to do amazing feats. They channel the Music into a power supportive and motivating force. The EBA stay in the background and let their targets know they are not alone in their struggle and that they can ultimately overcome their problems with their own power. It's not hopeless because they are more than they realize, and realizing that, they work harder, faster, better, stronger.

Macabre Dancers support their team members by casting support spells while inhibiting the strength of their foes. They may not be directly involved in fights, but they help their team perform beyond their normal ability.

And the EBA dance.

BACKGROUND | Agent BA-5 "Spin" is the newest addition to the Elite Beat Agents. As part of the secret governmental group, he is only known by a number and codename. Misuse of what they are able to do, controversies involving the targets they help, failed missions, and so on force them to hide their identities in the event of a worse case scenario. And choosing to live in complete secrecy, isolated from civilians, hints toward a strong belief in their work and perhaps a life better left to the past.

Spin has participated in many missions with the much more experienced Agent BA-3 "Morris" and Agent BA-4 "Derek" right beside him as he started to learn the ropes. The EBA helped numerous and varied targets like babysitter wanting to tell her football player boyfriend she wanted to go steady while dealing with a troublesome trio. They helped a dog find his way back home after being taken miles upon miles away. White blood cells fighting a virus inside a runner's body just before his big race, Leonardo da Vinci winning the Mona Lisa's heart, helping a little girl see her recently deceased father for Christmas, a down on his luck baseball player fighting a fire-breathing golem... No matter what tasked the target faced, the EBA would support them, and Spin was determined not to let anyone down, most of all his fellow Agents who became his family.

Then the Rhombulans came. They were alien invaders that arrived by dark spaceships with a glowing purple eye at their center. The Rhombulans declared the Earth theirs and all music forbidden; anyone who stood in their way would be turned to stone with their petrifying lasers. As an example, major cities and their inhabitances all over the world turned to stone. Spin watched this from the large display at EBA HQ.

The people cried for the EBA's help once more, and the EBA did the best they could. Their past Targets broke free from camps and prisons and tried to push back the Rhombulans. However, they failed. As the EBA's last chance to help the people who trusted them, they ran in front of one of the Rhombulan's beams, shielding the people. The entire EBA turned to stone, and everyone thought it was all over.

But a little girl refused to give up and begun cheering "EBA." A pulse vibrated through the crowd, grew louder as they joined in, and ultimately freed Spin and the others from their stony fates. The mission wasn't over. All around the world statues crumbled and joined them as song filled the air, creating what could best be described as a world-wide dance party. Together, the world fought back and with a shinning beam of everyone's energy and Music, they destroyed the mothership. The world was saved, and the EBA left to their secret HQ to be once more out of the public eye. It was all right now.

It has been a few weeks since the world defeated the Rhombulans, and things have returned to business as usual for the rookie. A mission here, paperwork there, taking care of the EBA's numerous vehicles... That is until Spin found himself in the land of twilight, under the moon.

PERSONALITY | Spin is a cheerful, friendly, energetic, and excitable guy almost to the point of seeming childish. Like the rest of the EBA, he has the ability to hear people and the world around him as music. When people are happy, when they are sad, when things are tough, when people are hiding something, Spin can hear all that as changes in the Music, making him very in tune to other people's emotions. It's that which makes him eager to help people and to put a smile on their faces and make the world a better place. Everyone sounds better, and there is enough sadness in the world. If he can brighten up a piece of it, he's going to.

As such, Spin's highly idealistic, preferring to believe in the best of people even if that means he might be wrong or taken advantage of. But he's not necessarily an optimist because he often feels like he fails to live up to his ideals. It upsets him greatly, especially if he feels like he's let someone down. Or worse the EBA. In the back of his mind, Spin fears that he won't be good enough and will be left behind or abandoned because of it. And if he feels like something is the right thing to do, he'll do it at his expense. Spin wears his heart on his sleeve. One will know when he's happy and when he's sad, though he'll try to hide behind a smile.

Spin gives 110% in most everything he does, especially when someone is depending on him. Even when he thinks something is hopeless, give him a moment and he'll try again with a renewed fervor. His drive may gain a frustrated tone, but he will not give up until he can no longer keep going. Spin believes that was part of the reason he was able to join the EBA. Why should he choose today to give it all away? Should he stop, however, he may need someone to cheer him up.

Silence and being alone are two of his biggest fears. His headphones and the constant company of music has become like a security blanket for him. He hears a person's spirit as a melody, and no Music means no one's around. Joining the EBA and beating the Rombulans have helped him start to overcome that fear, but until he reaches level 20 to regain his headphones, he won't be quite as confident or as cheery as he normally would. He'll try though.


Hey! Spin here. I'm a... 'Macabre Dancer'? And new to the... uh, game. I was wondering if there was a group or something that likes to roleplay. I'm thinking about "Help! I think I'm stuck inside a video game!" type of roleplaying.

... And does anyone know if the costume for the classes is concrete? I... would really like my headphones back. A pair of pants would be good too...

So, if you're listening, sing it back!

... Am I really to dance to death, destruction, and a definition so despairing as this?


With an almost too loud of a thump, Spin put down his water bottle and reached for the stack of papers to his right. They were all mission reports from the other Agents; all of them needed sorting and filling for future reference... if the need ever arose. It was a job saved for the lowest ranked and newest Agent of the team, him. But that didn't mean he'd do a sloppy job of the menial task. Nope. Spin stood up without complaint and walked to the records room, his footsteps echoing throughout the tiled halls of HQ in sync to the calm melody around him.

"... J, are behind on your paperwork again?" Spin murmured to himself as he flipped through the files and looked at the labels. There was nothing from Agent J in the stack. "Chief's gonna yell at you..." It was something Spin had a hard time understanding. Wasn't J afraid of being kicked out for it? Or were his dancing skills that much better that he never had to worry like Spin did. The rookie always put in extra practice and reviewed and studied in an attempt to catch up to everyone. It seemed an impossible task. He'd keep trying though.

A sudden yell and the Music leaped to a faster tempo. "S-spin me right round!" The files flew from his hands, through the air, and scattered across the floor. From time to time, the rookie still jumped from a Target's cry for help breaking through the daily tunes. Easily startled.

The intercom crackled, but Spin heard the message as a transmission to his headphones. "BA-3, 4, 5. Jesse Sheridan, location Windmill Hotel. Take the car. Agents are GO!" Commander Kahn yelled.

Through his headphones, Spin responded with an "Agent Spin, here! Gotcha!" It didn't take long for Spin to hear two melodies belonging to Morris and Derek sprinting toward the hanger. Spin was already running to meet them, adjusting his necktie and his suit jacket as he did so. There was no time to stop when someone needed help. Not when their Target depended on them, trusted them.

The other two Agents were in the shiny black convertible reading the mission details. "What's the playlist?" Spin asked, hopping the car door and starting the engine in a fluid movement. He pulled out of the hanger and onto the street in a black, wheel-screeching blur. Behind him, Derek scrolled through the data the EBA had pulled together. "Jesse Sheridan, age 28, female. Needs to cook a banquet tonight for a cast party because the main staff got food poisoning from their own party. Normally a dishwasher."

"Talk about a lot of tasks to tackle..." Spin tightened his grip on the wheel and pressed the accelerator harder.

The Agents arrived on the scene in no time. Spin jumped from the car and presented his badge and smile to Ms. Sheridan. Whether she noticed or not in her despair was another matter. "Things are going to take a turn for the better. Don't worry," Spin thought. "You're not alone."

Spin's heart beat along with the Music flowing through him. He took a final breath to calm pre-mission jitters and... "Are you ready? 3, 2, 1, GO!"

A quick step to the right, follow through with the hips, a wave of the arms, the swelling of the Music guided his every move. Ms. Sheridan wiped away her tears and smiled with her new found strength. She could do this! Their Target ran to the refrigerator and begun tossing vegetables and meats onto the counters in time to the song filling the air.

By the time the chorus came, Ms. Sheridan had started the appetizers and was on her way to success.


holy relic, ooc

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