Mortal Instruments - Cassandra Claire

Jun 11, 2009 21:29

Guess what series I just finished reading? (hint, hint: see subject) Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Claire. The three books are The City Of Bones, The City Of Ashes, & The City Of Glass.
It was really good. I REALLY enjoyed it! I highly recommend the series.
I had actually gone to a book signing in Vancouver with Cassandra Claire and Holly Black but I'd only read Holly's books (WHICH I ADORE BEYOND EVERY OTHER BOOK.... READ IT!) and now I'm disappointed that I didn't but on the back cover it didn't seem good! Which TOTALLY shows me not to judge... but I probably will sadley enough... You can never say I'm not honest...
See yeah lovelys!

city of ashes, the mortal instruments, cassandra claire, city of bones, city of glass, holly black

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