Oct 22, 2008 00:31
baseballrunner76: i cant remember the last time ive been truly happy
Let it be SUNG: lrn2happy
baseballrunner76: but i believe that if i began working out again i'd reach that state agian
baseballrunner76: again
Let it be SUNG: :3
baseballrunner76: again again again
baseballrunner76: bird bird bird
Let it be SUNG: i cant picture myself ever not being happy
Let it be SUNG: im too optimistic to stop
Let it be SUNG: LOL
Let it be SUNG: i mean ive reached stages in my life where ive just been unhappy
Let it be SUNG: confused
Let it be SUNG: just not sure what to do and shit
Let it be SUNG: but there's too much in life to appreciate
Let it be SUNG: every time i think i ought to be unhappy about something
Let it be SUNG: i remember the world's alright. you just can never forget what's awesome about life. it's better to just think about the good things about life you can count on your fingers than the factory full of bad things about it
baseballrunner76: but then someone dies
Let it be SUNG: you could go on forever about minor bad things but just count on your hand what's worth being happy about. even if for you it's just stuff like movies you love and your friends and family and whatever you like
Let it be SUNG: hey
baseballrunner76: i swear to god if someone i love dies soon then i dont know what ill do
Let it be SUNG: if that guy David can go on
Let it be SUNG: David told me straight up completely serious, he doesnt fear death. after his father's death, it hurt but it changed him
Let it be SUNG: he doesn't want to be destructive. he wants to keep going on. he said to me
Let it be SUNG: he made me realize there's no time to dick around. im becoming a pilot and im going on with life
Let it be SUNG: the world doesnt stop for anything and im still on it
baseballrunner76: ugh i fear death so much
baseballrunner76: its gonna suck when im dead
baseballrunner76: ill never get to feel a state of consiousness again
Let it be SUNG: LOL
Let it be SUNG: that's deep
baseballrunner76: thatll really be obnoxious
baseballrunner76: i cant even comprehend it
Let it be SUNG: death is too much to think about
Let it be SUNG: dont fill your head with what ifs
Let it be SUNG: they've made me miserable before
Let it be SUNG: what ifs are stupid and not real. death'll come at some point to everyone but it isnt here now
Let it be SUNG: be happy now and sad when it happens
baseballrunner76: true
Let it be SUNG: dont be sad people will die. everyone will die.
Let it be SUNG: be sad when they do actually die then go on. and my rabbi always says dont be sad at funerals. be happy to honor their memory. take something good you remember about the person and honor it
Let it be SUNG: the last funeral i went to he wanted everyone to tell some sort of good story about the person
baseballrunner76: if someone close to me like a parents dies prematurely
baseballrunner76: im going to move into the wilderness
baseballrunner76: ive decided
Let it be SUNG: haha
Let it be SUNG: creepy
baseballrunner76: and seclude myself indefinitely
baseballrunner76: no way
Let it be SUNG: what's a premature death lol
baseballrunner76: i dont want to be around society anymore at that point
baseballrunner76: like not of old age
Let it be SUNG: i hate when people refer to it as dying of old age
Let it be SUNG: you dont die from being old you die 'cause at some point stuff starts failing but there's no definite age it should happen
Let it be SUNG: no one died cuz they got old they died cuz something stopped working
Let it be SUNG: and it sucks when that happens when they're young
baseballrunner76: ya
Let it be SUNG: but when it's your time it's your time i dont think there's such thing premature death i think there's such thing as dying young though. and that's never fair. but the term premature death is like...an oxymoron or something
baseballrunner76: hm thats true though
baseballrunner76: like i guess you cant die just of old age
Let it be SUNG: cuz when you die you die..there's no like..definite age or ..anything
baseballrunner76: with that in mind, what if some day in the future
baseballrunner76: we can make it so people can live forever
baseballrunner76: in the way that
baseballrunner76: they're constantly given new fresh organs
baseballrunner76: to sustain them
baseballrunner76: that would kick serious ass
Let it be SUNG: people wont want to live forever trust me
Let it be SUNG: my dad and i had this discussion once
Let it be SUNG: doctors and scientists are supposed to do all they can to improve life BUT
baseballrunner76: well to be honest, maybe not forever, but most certainly a hundred years longer than normal
baseballrunner76: that would be significant.
Let it be SUNG: if they get to the point where everyone can live forever
Let it be SUNG: they're obligated to give people treatment but at the same time
Let it be SUNG: if people can live forever
Let it be SUNG: the earth will be overpopulated
Let it be SUNG: it'd cost lots and lots to keep living
Let it be SUNG: stuff like that
Let it be SUNG: so they would have to decide who can live and who can die
Let it be SUNG: they'd have to play god
Let it be SUNG: but technically they're obligated to treat you if youre dying
Let it be SUNG: in any way they can
Let it be SUNG: so how do you make that decision
baseballrunner76: haha ya
Let it be SUNG: which is why it's good and bad they're getting to the point they can keep you living forever
baseballrunner76: but eventually I'm sure we'll migrate to other planets
baseballrunner76: or space stations even
baseballrunner76: if the human race lasts long enough, at least
baseballrunner76: and doesnt end any day now like Religulous predicts
baseballrunner76: lol
Let it be SUNG: i mean...they could keep making and replacing organs from cloing and shit..forever. they could keep you alive forever at some point..but we cant do that or else we'll have way too many people alive
Let it be SUNG: which is why we shouldnt play the hand of god
Let it be SUNG: we have to let there be a cycle
Let it be SUNG: our cycle is painful and it isnt fair
Let it be SUNG: and it cant be explained but it makes life more meaningful
Let it be SUNG: someone is alive and they've touched us and they die and we go on and we touch someone else and it never ends. and death makes everything more meaningful
baseballrunner76: ya
Let it be SUNG: the coolest poem i ever read was about not fearing death and it was about a guy saying think about this. when you die you are equal to any king or royalty plain and simple. youre burried in the same dirt and you grow with them, you become part of nature and continue to grow in the earth and feed life, and the world keeps turning whether or not youre on earth
Let it be SUNG: and he said something like your life really doesnt mean much to anyone but you because when we die we're all equal.
Let it be SUNG: i think ive gotten over death somewhat
Let it be SUNG: i really dont know what id do if someone close to me died
baseballrunner76: lol thats deep and fascinating but
baseballrunner76: ill still always have a fear of death
baseballrunner76: i dont think itll ever ever change
baseballrunner76: because i couldnt bare to not be alive
Let it be SUNG: you cant really take away that fear
Let it be SUNG: unless you got thru some experience that changes it i guess
Let it be SUNG: i have a lot of friends who are afraid of death
Let it be SUNG: but still. at least dont let it control your life
Let it be SUNG: shouldnt be afraid of something that cant be avoided
Let it be SUNG: i myself dont fear dying
Let it be SUNG: but..i dont know what im gonna do when my parents are gone
Let it be SUNG: i feel like i could handle it better after im well into my 20s or 30s
Let it be SUNG: but if one of them were to go right now or in a few years
baseballrunner76: yaa
Let it be SUNG: i just dont know what id do
Let it be SUNG: id have to go on and figure out a way to go on
Let it be SUNG: id be..so sad for a long time
Let it be SUNG: but what can ya do
baseballrunner76: i hate even thinking about it
Let it be SUNG: crying makes you feel better for a while. being sad wont change anything
Let it be SUNG: i know right
Let it be SUNG: it's depressing
Let it be SUNG: that's why im saying
Let it be SUNG: death is too heavy and beyond anything to even be on your mind
baseballrunner76: yep yepp
Let it be SUNG: just keep it out of your mind and live
baseballrunner76: gah
baseballrunner76: i just like singing
Let it be SUNG: when it comes that's it and be aware it will come but that doesnt mean think about it all the time and be paranoid about it
Let it be SUNG: singing
Let it be SUNG: NIGGER
Let it be SUNG: bye