Jan 06, 2014 11:06
One year ago, I was ready to relish the bountiful harvest of what post A's brought me. A's... that was ages ago. And to think that I still remember days of my childhood where I used to gaze upon AJC (the JC closest to my house lol) and ponder upon tertiary education as an idea so far away in the distant future that it'd simply overwhelm my mind just contemplating the thought of it.
And suddenly.
Here I am, nostalgically reminiscing upon my days in JC.
Oh well. A week into the new year ... it's insane isn't it? ... and I thought I'd pen down some things worth being grateful about in 2013.
1) A year of really becoming a christian
To recognise the incredible gravity and glory of the christian faith/christian God and establish a relationship with that God. To realise the full weight and wonder of what He has done for me and what that means for my life & my worldview - I thank God for pursuing me, chasing me down and persistently (sometimes painfully, but necessarily) illuminating His way into my dark crevice of a life and revealing to me cobwebs, dust fluffs, skeletons lurking in my closet that are awaiting spring cleaning and dusting out. For lighting up my entire existence, no matter what situation I'm in. For granting me the promise of a hope and a future in Him.
2) For friends and teachers who ask the difficult questions, speak the uncomfortable truths
For nudging me back into sobriety when I'm too high on the world and all its most fascinating of sensations. For dishing me a hard dose of the truth when I need it. For being reminders of respectable, legit people in the world and for never forgetting to look out for me.
3) The chance to study abroad
For teaching me grit, perseverance and independence. For teaching me head > heart, for the heart is deceitful above all other things. For making me treasure home so much more. For all the friends it has led me to, for all the opportunities to come and #weareinfinite moments to anticipate.
The 3 months spent in London has been so revealing, so challenging, but so illuminating in terms of the inward journey.
I've grown to respect so many people and treasure the ones at home more.
I've grown so much respect for the hospitality, sincerity and warmth of those here and looked upon my conservativeness in friendships with disdain.
I've admired the eloquence of the Westerners and scorned my relative verbal inadequacy.
I've gradually begun to admire the attitude towards learning what you're interested in and shunned my exam-centered approach to education.
I've started to cherish the opportunities for so many collaborations over in London
And above it all, I've met so many admirable individuals here, the "quality people" the people who genuinely love and respect others, the selfless ones, the humble ones, the talented ones, the visionaries, the capable ones, the free-spirited ones, the open ones and the incredibly intelligent ones.
Being in London has pushed me way out of my comfort zone, and perhaps it can be really painful, but this is exactly where I need to be - dealing with tough academic stuff, negotiating different cultures, facing independence truly on my own, experiencing true loneliness, meeting truly exemplary individuals, taking in all that freedom and spare time and actually deciding what to do with it, having my own property, trying new hobbies and visiting new places.... all these things I've always dreamt of doing. Yes it's actually truly difficult when it comes down to doing it, painful, but very very much necessary. Thanks for the emotional training.
4) Mum & dad
For loving me @ my best and worst, loving me quietly, unassumingly, perseveringly, patiently, bravely. For always being there - sometimes more than you need to - but always being there.
5) SF
For being one of the newest & bubbliest reasons to be happy, & being my funny pill - helping me find reasons to smile over the simplest of things on days when I'm feeling gutted. For being a warm, reassuring flicker of joy intermingled with happy anticipation. For being an anchor through times of temptation and turbulence, for reminding me what secure, stable and steady feels like.
6) A challenging, but such a blessed year.