Jan 20, 2009 02:18
1. Bought a laptop: it's a Dell, 4GBs, vista...I can finally download music!
2. Still with T, and everything is fabulous. Yes. Fabulous.
3. Graduating probably by summer...not looking forward to it as I still have no idea what I want to do with my life. I think I am simply interested in too many things right now.
4. Still getting sued, but I snagged myself a free lawyer. He's kinda a slacker though. My court date is February 10th.
5. Going to a wedding this Saturday. Drew and Sadia (T's roomies and friends) will be tying the knot.
6. Still karaoke-ing every weekend...they love me at the Moose. It's pretty cool.
I think that about sums it up...