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Jun 14, 2005 12:31

How Many Books Do You Own?
Well I have a massive bookcase in my room which is pretty full but if I'm being honest prob about 50% are hand-me-downs from my mum or books I have forgotten to return to mates. About 10% of them are utter nonsense as well - stuff like Glasgow Bonnetmakers Guide to Spring or Beginners Guide to Accounting 1977. One of my particular 'favs' is a book given to my dad from my mum called 'The Dieters Guide to Weight Loss During Sex'. Nuff said.

What is the Last Book You Bought?
Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell. Heard lots of good things about it and the cover is simply delightful (all pink and blue and sparkly and cool). Now that I have started it however the contents aren't gripping me at all. Mainly I just resort to stroking the cover. Don't judge a cover by it's book folks! Seriously though - has anyone read it and want to encourage me to persevere?

What is the Last Book You Read?
'If nobody speaks of remarkable things' by Jon McGregor. It's pretty much one long beautiful poem (written in prose form if that makes sense) about a devastating incident that he doesn't completely reveal until the very last pages. I encourage all of you to buy or borrow it and go find a quiet hole for the day to read the whole thing in a oner. And then go find somebody to talk about remarkable things with.

Name five books that mean a lot to you.
1. 'Lanark' by Alasdair Gray. This book was recommended to me by someone who I was obsessed with at the time. So this might have influenced my enthusiasm but to this day I still believe this is the most original and absorbing book I have ever read. There are so many things I could say about Lanark but in a way it sort of defies description. I met Alasdair Gray once and he falls into this category too! It seemed to me that he is almost too clever and unique to function on a normal basis - he had the most incredible nervous twitchy manner. Anyway enough name-dropping. Read the book!

2. HARRY!!! Of course :) Harry Potter has provided endless entertainment and happiness for me. As an Eng Lit student many people ask me how I can be so into and take so much from a childrens book. Well apart from the fact that I am a kid at heart, I have to say that the characters and world that Jo has created are as absorbing, intelligent and truely powerful as any I have studied these past two years. I pity those of you have never escaped to Hogwarts when you are feeling blue, or don't have a favourite Marauder or don't have a scarf in your house colours. :)

3. 'Pride and Prejudice' by JA. Firstly Mr and Mrs Bennet are a creation of comic genius : 'No lace. No lace, Mrs. Bennett, I beg you!'. Also if your ever in one of those 'must not be turned-on now moments' we have discovered that a mental image of Mr Collins works wonders. And who doensn't want to be Lizzy when they grow up?? Insufferable presumption perhaps!

4. The BFG by Roald Dahl. Again my childish side coming out. But this brings back happy memories of lying in my papa's bed with my brother when we were wee as my papa read it aloud. Voices and all. My bro and I were convinced that my papa was the BFG at one point. He is really tall with massive hands and feet. And gigantic ears which always seemed to pick up every little thing. And a twinkle in his eye. I remember feeling terrified by the horrible giants but at the same time have never felt safer.

5. Ooo one space left. Should prob pick something off my course this year to convince myself I have actually learnt something. William Blake is a bit of a dude. In particular 'The Marriage of Heaven and Hell' contains some incredible and ultimately dangerous ideas that got me thinking. The creative ability of the individual is a big theme for Blake. He also recognised the fact that there is no one truth and indeed contraries and struggles have to exist in order to progress and learn. Just a couple of his cool proverbs of hell include:
'No bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings.'
'Exuberance is Beauty.'
'What is now proved was once only imagin'd.'
'Excess of sorrow laughs. Excess of joy weeps.'
Go to here to read http://www.levity.com/alchemy/blake_ma.html (Even if it is just for the Proverbs which are pretty damn thought-provoking)

If you are still with me..... Now it's your turn. Let me delve into your bookcases.
Might update with some actual news soon too.
Cakeface Campbell
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