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works_two_jobs January 27 2011, 23:40:28 UTC
That second one is totally biggie, except he's way more annoying about wanting food.

You ever seen simons cat?


headofapin January 27 2011, 23:42:25 UTC
I love your cat already. What does he do for food?

...no, I don't think so.


works_two_jobs January 27 2011, 23:50:01 UTC
He does this.


headofapin January 27 2011, 23:52:53 UTC
He looks so pleased when he moves!


works_two_jobs January 27 2011, 23:58:28 UTC
That's basically what he does, he gets right on my back and like stares at me and paws at my face until finally he does the infamous "running jump". It wouldn't be so bad, except half the time he lands on, my, well. You know.


headofapin January 28 2011, 00:00:00 UTC
Are you sure you can still have kids?

Awwwww I bet he's just precious. I'm a light sleeper. I get a paw and a meow and I'm up.


works_two_jobs January 28 2011, 00:05:53 UTC
Pretty sure, though I mean I haven't actively TRIED. If I can't, I know who I'm blaming.

Oh, I hear him. Wanting to acknowledge him is a whole other story.


headofapin January 28 2011, 00:07:00 UTC
Hm hm hm. Here's to hoping, at least. Otherwise you're going to just end up with a million cats.

Why would you not want to acknowledge him? You're mean~


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