journal ≈ my daughter(s) are going to a convent :|

Nov 21, 2010 19:38

This article worries me. Not just because Disney is stopping making Princess movies, but it's this paragraph that is the true concern:

"By the time they're 5 or 6, they're not interested in being princesses," said Dafna Lemish, chairwoman of the radio and TV department at Southern Illinois University and an expert in the role of media in children's lives. "They're interested in being hot, in being cool. Clearly, they see this is what society values."


So yes. I've lived a...sheltered life, one could call it, but hello! Kids that young shouldn't be thinking about that kind of thing. That's just...depressing. But this makes me glad that I was sheltered, and if this is how things are, I'm going to be sheltering my daughter, too.

And lastly: Oh please I still want to be a Princess.

verse: open, concerning: disney, concerning: i want to be a princess, what: journal entry

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