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Frank West - 4 soulrockcandy September 6 2011, 01:46:54 UTC
Anything Else?: -Frank knows how to use a large variety of weapons. Maybe not the "proper" way, but he can bash heads in and cleave things in half and that's good enough for him. He also has plenty of experience turning everyday objects into zombie-killers.

-He will kill any wasp or bee out of habit. Just in case there are any zombies around. HEY IT WAS A ROUGH SITUATION ETC ETC

-THIS MIGHT HAVE HAPPENED?! Or maybe he dreamed the whole thing. Or maybe it was all a Halloween party. Who even knows.

-I'm gonna get up a DR post as soon as I figure out a good username. Stay tuned for an edit... Here it is!

-He is a very STRAIGHT TO THE POINT kinda guy so his journal entries are likely to be short. As seen below.

This isn't out yet and is more of an AU game than a canon game but it's still hilarious and a good example of what I mean about him handling things much better if he doesn't take it seriously and run-on sentences are awesome. OKAY? OKAY.

In-Character 1st person writing sample (journal): Hey, Smash Academy. Name's Frank West. I'm the new photography teacher. You might recognize me as one of the reporters who hung around after that alien invasion back in '09. Just because I transfered over from Capcom doesn't mean I want any trouble, got it?

In-Character 3rd person writing post: "Haunted dorm, huh?"

Five years ago, Frank West would have rolled his eyes and moved onto more important stories like rumoured police corruption or natural disasters. But after Wilamette? The Aparoids? Some of the students at Capcom? He knew better than to dismiss what could potentially be a very real and very profitable scoop. Surely Capcom would want to know if there was anything paranormal going on at Smash Academy. More paranormal than usual, anyway.

He stood outside the room, focusing his camera lens on the curious sign on the door, which indicated someone was actually living in there. MAGICAL ASSISTANCE, INQUIRE WITHIN, it read. Ghosts he could believe, but magic? Sounded like some gypsy set up camp in here when nobody was looking and was trying to con the students. Maybe he'd get a story out of this after all.

Ever the gentleman, he tried to open the door to let himself in, but it wouldn't budge. Locked! He sighed and knocked on the door, tapping his foot impatiently. He waited.


Knocked again and waited some more.

"Nobody home," he muttered to himself, letting his camera hang loosely around his neck. "Figures."

He'd come back later and get to this bottom of this.


Moderator Review 1/2 whitedeviljack September 9 2011, 03:41:43 UTC
This is your first accept.


2/2 things_go_boom September 9 2011, 03:51:04 UTC
GUESS WHO JUST GOT THE BEST DORN ROOM. >B] Frank will be staying in TD-17!

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overtimemode September 9 2011, 04:46:47 UTC


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