Apr 05, 2005 00:07
So the creator has returned to his creation, it almost makes me wana vomit oh well for those that feel compelled to comment whos name start with a T or A and live in N.c. dont bother your problems are that YOURS anyways, things have been hectic annoying and if there is a middel ground that as well. My life is consumed with work sleep repeat hip hop and old skool gangsta rap are all i seem to listen to for the most part my scratching has gone from killer to galactic distruction. I started givin grafiti lessions to little rich kids its so funny to see kids who have only listened to party and pop rap tryin to embrace true style. I finally saw donnie darko it was a preatty sad movie but great. Its strange when i think about things the friends that i made in st.louis besides my crew and two other close friends i never hear from nor call it has become pointless just like our friendship was POINTLESS sometimes it just doesnt pay to be a civil human being you get played made a chump of and shit on so in closin i steal a line that says the truth keep your friends close but your enemies closer it is wisdom in true form.