Taken Characters List

Jul 11, 2006 21:28

Taken Characters

In Ergheiz, we are allowing RPG and Fighting Game characters to be played. The games allowed and what characters are taken will be put below.

If you are not on the Taken Character list yet, please reply here and we will get to it as soon as possible. If you are looking at this list to choose your character, do not apply here! We have an application post for you located here.

.Hack [Video Game Series]

Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean
Kalas - one_winglet

Adrian "Alucard" Farenheights Tepes - genya_arucardo

Chrono Trigger

Chrono Cross
Kidd - kissthemoons
Lynx - glidehook
Riddel Viper - snakefangs
Steena - guldovemaiden

Dead or Alive


Dynasty Warriors
Lu bu - sky_scorcher

Final Fantasy IV
Anna von Muir - ladyofdamcyan
Edward Chris von Muir - princeofdamcyan
Porom - petit_paradigm
Tellah - mysidian_legend

Final Fantasy VI

Final Fantasy VII
Aerith Gainsborough - floral_church
Cait Sith - crowned_cat
Cid Highwind - mr_highwind
Reeve Tuetsi - shinra_corp_spy
Reno - redheadedrat
Sephiroth - exiledxgod
Shera Peterson - miss_shera
Vincent Valentine - sonno_eterno
Yuffie Kisaragi - shinymateria
Zack Wylde - oldscoolergheiz

Final Fantasy VIII
Cid Kramer - headmastah
Squall Leonhart -kokoronoshishi [Hiatus]

Final Fantasy IX

Final Fantasy X and X-2
Rikku -dreav_girl
Yuna - summoningsoul

Fire Emblem Series

Grandia II

Guilty Gear
Ky Kiske - juste_ou_mort
May - jellyfishmay
Testament - scythe_master

Kingdom Hearts

King of Fighters
Ash Crimson - flamingfrenchie
King - bar_illusion
Mai Shiranui - fatal_shiranui
Nagase - geekxninja
Ryo Sakazaki - osu_karate_san

Legend of Dragoon
Damia - blueseadragoon

Legend of Legaia

Legaia 2: Duel Saga

Lunar I: Silver Star Story [Complete]

Lunar II: Eternal Blue [Complete]
Ronfar - holy_gambler
Orphen - lazy_sorcerer

Phantasy Star IV
Chaz - chazthered

Shadow Hearts
Hildegard Valentine - hildavalentine
Lady - red_lightx
Yuri Volte Hyuga - godslayer_hyuga

Skies of Arcadia

Soul Calibur Series [ Pre-SC3 ]
Amy Sorel - amysorel
Chai Xianghua - auspiciousfire
Hwang Sung Kyung - blue_salvation
Ivy Valentine - english_ivy
Raphael Sorel - ambitiousblond
Siegfried Schtauffen - obscure_requiem
Tira Geier - playful_sparrow

Star Ocean: Till The End Of Time
Niklas - _niklas

Street Fighter Series
Akuma - satsui_no_hadou

Suikoden Series
Albert Silverberg - morgenrote
Faroush Falenas - falenan_prince
Hervey - xblood_swordx
Kyle - blondcasanova
Lazlo - sea_guardian
Luc - defying_gods
Mukumuku - rodent_leader
Serah - pg_apprentice
Ted - soul_eaten
Tyr McDohl - feasts_on_souls
Yuber - shieldofchaos

Tales of Symphonia
Sheena Fujibayashi - mizuhosummoner

Tales of the Abyss
Arietta - ligerchild
Asch - fang_blade
Ion - seventh_ion
Jade Curtiss - jadenecromancer
Luke fon Fabre - stfu_im_awesome

Tekken Series

The Bouncer
Dominique Cross - domicross

Albedo - whitevariant
Bunnie - ebil_bunnie
chaos - onewonder
Juli Mizrahi - verhaeltnis
KOS-MOS - kosmos_kpx
Sakura Mizrahi - cherryblossom_9
Shion Uzuki - lunareagle
Richard - burnyourmind
T-elos - tp_xx
Ziggy - mr_ziggurat

[On Hold] - Character is placed on hold for one week for application to be submitted. If after 1 week there is no application in place, the character will be taken off this list.
[Pending] - Character has been accepted and awaiting journal creation
[Available] - Character was previously taken and is now available, please apply if you are interested. The journal may also be available for the taking.
[Hiatus] - Character is on a break. It doesn’t mean the person’s not coming back to pick up the char again, he/she is just on a break.

If this list is wrong in any way, shape, or form, please inform a mod. Thank you.
If there’s a character you wish to play from another game and the game is not added to this list, contact a mod and we’ll add it (after you’ve applied).

As a note, characters must post at least one in every three weeks. After this time has passed, we will assume you no longer wish to be here and will wipe your characters clean, in which you will need to start over with the application process. In the case that you are going on a hiatus, make sure to inform us by posting about it on the OOC board.
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