If you have been following the
Balsa Build on Flickr, you'd see that The Balsa Man is fully built! In the next few days, I will be constructing the platform, doing burn tests, and completing a the last few finishing touches.
In other fabulous news, we have a Temple! The fabulous J-Rad is bringing his 2ft paper Temple of Reduced Expectations that will be burnt after Balsa Man!
To make this event even better, we are looking for some help and artistry from the community:
Calling All Artists!
- Entrance signs: Balsa Man needs tiny humorous signs that lead to the event, just like they have on the road leading into Burning Man! This is an easy task for anyone with an ounce of wit. All you need is a pack of 3x5 index cards, a sharpie marker, some popsicle sticks, and some glue. Many people can be involved in making signs!
- More Mini-Art!: It would be amazing if more artists brought their imagination and talent to bear for Balsa Man. I can't tell you much a thrill it would be to have lots of miniaturized playa sculptures and artcars around the Balsa Man! There were some rumblings in the last post about making a mini-thunderdome and a miniature Rogue art car -- let's make that happen!
- Please read logistics for artists below!
Other needs
- Kevlar Thread: No creativity needed -- I just need some kevlar thread for Balsa Man. I have no idea what store would carry this. If you know of a store or better yet have some kevlar thread to donate, please contact me.
- Pyro Wisdom: I will be conducting some burn tests over the next couple days in order to make this a small burn to remember! If there are any pyro experts in the house that can offer advice on how to make this burn just right, please leave comments below or contact me via email.
Logistics for Artists
If you are an artist planning on bringing art to this event, please contact me and let me know what you plan to bring. I'm not micromanaging the art, but I would like to make sure it works well with the miniaturized aspect of Balsa Man.
If you are an artist bringing art to the event please show up at Baker beach between 7-7:30pm so we can properly place the artwork. Sunset is at 7:41 and I would like to have all artwork placed before then. If you are bringing entrance signs, please show up closer to 7pm so we can have them ready when attendees are arriving.
Burns of other artwork will happen after the Balsa Man burn. If you are planning on burning your art, please bring your own lighters or whatever you need. All artists are responsible for their own burn and for their own cleanup. Please, No Large Fireworks!
If you have any questions, please leave a comment below or contact me via email.
When & Where for Attendees
Attendees should show up at Baker Beach around or before sunset, so they can cheer on the last of the sun and look at the art. The Balsa Man will burn once night has sufficiently fallen (around 8:30-8:45pm), and all other art will burn shortly after.
Balsa Man will take place on the North End of Baker Beach. I will have more specific placement information later this week when I have had a chance to scout out the area.
Balsa Man wasn't better last year!
UPDATE!: Balsa Man just registered it's first RC Mini-Artcar. A rockstar mini-artist salute to
Ninavizz for making it happen on a small scale!