Feb 01, 2006 16:15
Bah, an update. Or so I call it.
Nothing exciting going on. I get to drive alot now. My mom lets me. It makes me happy. I love driving and don't know why. I have a catchy song stuck in my head from Midnight Fall. BOYS. I love that song and don't know why. Just really catchy. if you want to hear it go to myspace.com/midnightfall trust me.....its catchy. B-O-Y-S-H-A-V-E-F-E-E-L-I-N-G-S 2! Anyways.............oh yeah uh Timmy is an ass. He dissed me because I couldn't go to the dance with him. WTF? I don't know. So I rufse to talk to him right now. Ha The Flava Of Love is on.....what a stupid show. A girl just fucking confessed her love for HIM! HAHAHAHAHA....what a stupid show. I haven't seen or hungout with so many people and I need to. Really badly. I miss hangongout with people. And now I can drive to hangout with them! ^_^ But yeah there you have my small little update thinger.