the reason behind repeatedly telling your LJ 'friends' VIA PUBLIC POSTS
that you wish them well with life..... but
you are deleting some people and keeping your favorites?
I made one or two of these cuts before and she added me on my new name
but this latest one I guess I got the
I mean if you don't feel like reading my journal scroll over it,
or if you really want to remove some-one/people just do it.
I don't really feel there is a need to publicize such a thing. Right?
Oh well. It's her journal I suppose. I just don't appreciate
being in a competition that I didn't even enroll in.
I like to update for the few people that care but mostly for myself.
The only time I've ever removed someone was because
they basically bitch slapped me via the internet for
LOL that was a fun hour.
Anyhoo... Ella Bella and I made ourselves up like kitties...
my lil makeup artist gave me vertical whiskers on one cheek.
I couldn't stop giggling.
: )