Nov 05, 2010 23:59
Its been a bit of time but I have been in physical pain for a whole month.
On the first sunday of October, I woke up with lower back pain.
Thinking I slept wrong, I stayed with it. Took some Advil and used heat with a massage. Didn't work.
On a thursday (same week), I went to the ER.
Doctors said it was a pinched sciatic nerve.
Next week tuesday I see a chiropractor.
She said my spine was out of alignment.
She fixed it, I tripped days later (by accident) and messed up what the she fixed.
Saw her again that day, before I did, my pinkie toe hit the corner stone base of the fireplace and gashed it. It healed a week later. But she fixed my back again.
Didn't work.
Still being in pain but can move, I went to my grandparent's to do my duty to help take care of them.
Then a week later on a monday, my back was hurting more. It was stiff, but I tolerated it.
Then that same week on a friday, my back was no longer hurting but my tailbone, hips and left leg were.
It hurt so much to walk normally that I had to waddle to get anywhere and that even hurt.
Not being able to take much more of this, my aunt said I could go to the doctor.
My boyfriend's (Scott's) mom picked me up at the house at took me to the ER.
Again, I am prescribed with more meds but was told that I could not bend, no heavy lifting or do anything else that will effect my back for a month or less but if my legs go numb, to come in immediately.
I came home and we told Scott what happened.
For the past two days, now my hips barely hurt but my whole left leg hurts and it is excruciating when I walk when I don't take pills but I am tired of depending on them.
I have been on this emotional roller coaster of being in pain and having to take so many pills that aren't making me better.
I'm trying to stay positive but it is so hard.
I have to take 9 pills when I wake up and 5 pills before I go to bed. Some don't help.
I'm just so tired of this.
I don't want to be in agony anymore when I do simple walking... even at a slow pace or limping.
I don't want to hurt when I do my duties at home or at my grandparents' that require bending, squatting, lifting or even sitting for a while.
I'm tired of crying a lot because I can't do anything I did before.
Why can't this stop?
Why won't it go away??