Title: You're My Bunkmate Now
Rating: NC-17!
Genre: SMUT.
Pairings: Sihan, ninja!henwook!
Warnings: Sexness. Hardly a warning, but whatever. XD
Summary: Siwon's had enough of seeing that fine specimen of an ass ascend and descend daily without doing anything about it.
You're My Bunkmate Now )
/is dead
But like, was it too much? I wanted something different, like seeing how cocky HG is in all the variety shows next to Siwon and all~
Thanks for reading bunkmate! ^^ <3
Oh no! It was GREAT! I could see you were trying to put in cocky geng from interviews and such...
it was just too much for my brain to handle and shisus might smite you...
because i mean... its WON..... he's second ultimate top you know!
/shares her oreos and milk xD
YEY I really really want some now actually.
Hmm yes we should. But I'm unoriginaly and boring. So you have to think. ^^
i think you should wait a few hours before you ask me to get creative...
unless you want our nicknames to be something like peeper and bongbong....
or deepleather and velvet passion because we can be secret strippers...
or lucky and buttons.....
i wanted to be a button once.........
omg and this is before watchin craig D;
now im hungry tooo....
You sound crazy!
I actually like sexmuffin and sugarmama.
I'm hungry~ XDDDDDDD
I should be banned from touching my laptop when I'm on drugs...
I'm so sorry but I love, I love you more more
Anyways I dibs sexmuffin since you got top bunk.
/makes you soup (I'm sick D;)
Teehee. <3 I love you too! /tackles
Aigo. HAHA. SUGARMAMA I AM. Hahahahahahahahahaha oh god it's so caberet. XDDDDDD
Aww. Thank you. <3 I should be the one giving you soup if you're sick. I know this great chicken soup recipe...
/slaves over stove
/cries in pain. My body aches and my insides too... I'm surprised I'm finding the energy to type when all I can even say outloud is ffiugtfriwerjrfujreouwireuiurfrnj.
Welcome. And while you're at it.../hand you her brownie recipe.... make those...
We'll watch movies all night while I whine about how life hates me so much...
Oh surgarmama (you could be like my sugardaddy) I wish I had haehyuk to cuddle with... D;
/goes back to curling up under her blanket with one hand constantly refreshing her hotmail inbox page...
I'm a loser when I'm sick ):
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