Title: The Day The Pipes Failed
Rating: G
Genre: Crack
Pairings: OT13, Squintable Hanchul I guess, it was an accident. XD
Warnings: Do not read if you're a bath freak.
Summary: Our anchovy who, ironically, hates water
"And don't you try to trick me young man, I've seen it all before! When you come out I want to do a FULL head-to-toe inspection of you PLUS a sniff test!" yelled Shindong who was stationed just outside the bathroom door. It was Wednesday night and he was on Eunhyuk-bathroom duty. Otherwise known as ensure-skinny-little-dancing-machine-properly-washes-and-scrubs duty. Or else more rumors of his lack of hygiene were sure to surface and he would have to face the wrath of Leeteuk-hyung.
Eunhyuk sighed heavily as he undressed and stepped into the shower as Shindong continued shouting more threats through the bathroom door. Something about having him strung up by his toes if he wasn’t satisfied with his level of cleanliness.
After a few minutes, there came a shout from the bathroom: "Yaah! Shindong hyung! Err.. I think something’s wrong with pipes. Theres no water."
From outside the bathroom, Shindong's eyes narrowed into dangerous tiny slits. "What do you mean theres no water? Is this a joke, this better had been a joke because none, and I repeat, NONE of your tric-"
"I'm serious! Come in and check then!" interrupted Eunhyuk who couldn’t stand his hyung's irrational ramblings and proclamations any longer.
"Alright I'm coming in now! And if I fin-"
"WAIT! NOT YET! I'm still naked!" interrupted his dongsaeng yet again, hastily reaching for a towel and drapping it around himself. "Now you can come in."
-Ten minutes later-
"Hmm... So there really IS no water. The pipes must be blocked." Shindong concluded, as he crouched down peering up at the shower nozzle, eyebrows kitted together in Siwon-like worry.
"OBVIOUSLY hyung, you've been trying for ten minutes. No wait, 5 minutes. You spent the other 5 giving me dirty looks as if I did this. ME! HA! PPFFTT!" Eunhyuk yelled back, rolling his eyes.
"Don't think you've avoided bathing just yet! There's still Plan B. To the kitchen sink you go!" Ordered Shindong who was now on his hands and knees peering into the drain. "Yessir!" Eunhyuk mock-saluted Shindong and proceeded to execute an extreme exaggeration of the march as he headed in the direction of the kitchen. As he passed his bedroom, he paused to add yet another point on his whiteboard which contained an ever-growing list of reasons why he hated to bathe. The top two reasons being #1 Soap and #2 Water. The latest addition: #35 The damn pipes.
Moments later, another call came from the kitchen. "Yah, Hyung! Face it, I'm just not fated to bathe tonight. The pipes this side are spoilt too."
By now, the issue of the blocked pipes had attracted the attention of the other members who had gathered around both the kitchen sink and the bathroom. There was a flurry of voices and mixed reactions from the members as they discussed the urgent issue at hand.
First came the dramatic reactions:
"NO WATER? ^&*$%^*&! Yah! All of you have been clogging up the sink again haven't you!
How am I going to wash my hair now? You see this? THIS is perfection! You can’t achieve perfection if you don’t have water. I need water! And how am I going bathe? You don’t get called “Milky Skin” by not bathing do you? You get called names like “Anchovy.” ANCHOVY! I tell you! I need water! Hankyung! Get me some water!"
And then the SLIGHTLY less dramatic reactions:
"Food? Don't tell me you've been flushing my food down the sink again. Thats it! Its takeout for all you ungrateful hyungs! Besides, with no water, how can I cook? Maybe I'll get chinese takeout. You like takeout? I think takeouts a brilliant idea. I love takeout."
And then those with just no reactions whatsoever. Seriously:
“Oh” sniffed Kibum.
“Call the plumber” scoffed Kyuhyun.
These words prompted yet another outburst from the members.
"Madness! In case you haven't realised, its 12.32! What plumber is going be awake at this hour?" questioned Leeteuk.
"I think it’s a genius idea. There's Spritzer's 24 hour Plumbing Service. No block or leak too large! We’ll fix any pipe! Any time! Any type!" quoted Donghae.
"You sound like an advertisement. Anyway it's too expensive to call for a plumber. Do you know how much it costs? Do you? Do you?" retorted the leader.
"No... do you?"
"Nope! But I’m as sure as Shindong’s stomach when it comes to food, that it’s going to be expensive."
"Why don’t we just fix this ourselves," This one was from Heechul.
"I didn’t know you could fix pipes," called Yesung.
"I can’t, but when I said "we" I meant you guys. Happy plumbing!" giggled Heechul as he dragged Hankyung back into the bedroom with him.
"I-I’ve a friend... yes, a friend on the line. Waiting. Uh, waiting for me. Right now. Gotta go!" beamed Kangin as he fled the room.
Leeteuk clapped his hands and tried to get the attention of his members "Alright men! Lets get down to some-"
"Uh, i-i-it’s time for my nightly praying session" interrupted Siwon.
"I didn’t know you had a nightly whatsit" frowned Kyuhyun.
"Yessssss... It’s new! Hehe, inconvenient timing eh? Good luck!"
This sparked off, in quick succession, the cue for the other members to make sudden complaints about headaches, fatigue, turtle-feeding and other prior committments, and eventually proceeded to make various speedy exits leaving only 5 members left standing sullenly in the living room. Leeteuk, Donghae, Kibum, Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun.
The five members looked around at each other and then apprehensively at the sink which had just begun to make strange and increasingly disturbing squealching noises.
"Who thinks takeout is a good idea? At least for the next.. 5 ..8 days," asked Leeteuk.
"Me!" all 4 voice chorused in unison and their hands shot up simultaneously
"And who thinks we'll be in MUCH better shape to tackle this pipe problem at least 2 weeks down the road?"
"ABSOLUTELY!" chorused the 4 boys.
"AND.. we don't have to bathe as well for the next week or, so since the bathroom's clogged too!" cheered Eunhyuk.
"Brilliant. So lets just leave it for now. It has to settle down for a few days anyway and when we're more mentally and uh... physically prepared to deal with it we will. But for now.."
The 4 boys didn't even wait for Leeteuk to finish his sentence. They had already retreated to the comfort of their own rooms which were all, thankfully, located far away from the sink.
END! My sister wrote this, with my help. How's this one? Comments are appreciated. XD