(no subject)

Apr 20, 2006 21:57

I am a bit sleep deprived and I’m not feeling too articulate at the moment, but I felt like sharing something that has been bugging me lately.

Okay. The elusive big blue painting. David and Goliath. I have been working on it again recently, because well, it’s on my wall and it’s huge; I need to fucking finish it some day. For those of you who don’t know, the piece is 8 feet long and will be showed with another quite smaller piece when it is finally complete. The smaller piece is a piece of wood with the guts from a computer screwed onto it. The two together will represent how digital artwork is overtaking traditional artwork. The small one is Goliath, and this huge piece of frustration is David.
The more and more I have had this piece hanging up the more and more symbolism I have been able to milk from it. The fact that the piece is completely abstract, the epitome of expression, the essence of art and everything it stands for. The fact that it’s something tangible that will always be here, you don’t have to plug it in to see it. No barriers, no restrictions.
I suppose when it comes to art I still hold true to the old school philosophies. So bear with me.
I am spending hours upon hours on David, while spending no more than ten minutes on Goliath. There is just so much I could rattle off about this damn thing, I don’t want to bore you, I’m sure by looking at it and thinking about it a bit you can come up with your own conclusions. I haven’t gotten far, and I’ve been working on it for over a year. Heh.

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