Writing like there's no tomorrow...

Jul 31, 2007 02:43

I can't believe the summer's almost over!! I'm really sad about it. It has been so great being here with all the interesting and fun people, and the research that I managed to tie-up last minute. I'm in the process of writing my final report, which I'm quite proud of. So far it's 13 pages long, but I'll be adding a few more pages tomorrow. I've grown to hate Excel more than I ever thought was possible for me, but I managed to beat it into shape. After the report is done, which is also serving as my senior honors thesis (hurray!), I have to prepare a 10 min presentation, which will be pretty easy I think. We've been giving weekly powerpoint presentations all summer so most of the slides will just come from those. Piece of cake. I'm really excited about pulling everything together and actually coming to some meaningful conclusions! Did you know arsenic (V) sorbs to calcite much better than arsenic (III)?? Well, now you know. ;)

I'm mostly sad though about the summer ending because I finally have a boyfriend. Almost. He would be, if we hadn't started the relationship 2 weeks before we had to leave! Life hates me. But at least it's a self-confidence booster, that a guy actually is as interested in me as I am in him. He's sooooo sweet! And smart, and pretty hot too. We're hoping to go see a Broadway show tomorrow night (Lion King or Spamalot) if we get enough done on our reports. I really really hope that happens...

Sunday, my grad student mentor Jason had a cookout at his house for some of the summer students and grad students. Amazing food! Jason's famous shish-kebabs with a family secret marinade, my potato salad and for dessert, Francheska's mouth-watering, to-die-for peach apricot cobbler! Oh man, I'm spoiled here sometimes. I think Francheska could even rival Anna!

Ok it's 3am and I need to go to bed! I'm up so late because I was in the writing zone (finally! after not being in it all day) and couldn't bear to waste all that energy.
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