(no subject)

Jun 15, 2009 01:19

Man, I was totally ready to just post this whole long spiel about how much couples make me sick to my stomach and I was about ready to bitch about how much I kinda miss holding hands and all of that other  lame and stupid shit... but then I read it over and realized that it was pretty pathetic and then I started laughing about how horribly I went off on all of those things so I deleted it but I'll just say this- yes, seeing couples being all cute makes me wanna vomit and whenever I hear somebody say "oh my boyfriend or girlfriend is so amazing" or something along those lines, then I just really wanna say something snide and sarcastic and vomit, and seeing profile pictures of two people being disgusting really makes me wanna vomit like Linda Blair in "The Exorcist," green peas and all- but I've realized that's just because not only am I jealous but I'm very bitter and making a snide comment is just me being lame and petty and for lack of a better word (I can't think of anything clever at this hour) "emo." So instead I've decided to just not care and laugh at how ridiculous it is for me to feel that way when witnessing something like that between two people. Like right now- instead of posting my bitchy rant I just laughed because it was so absurd that I went off like that. Either way if there was any point to this it is just that if I ever act affectionate with someone or post disgusting pictures or act stupid then someone should really punch me very hard either in the face or body region- just let me take off my glasses first and try not to hit anywhere below the belt cuz that is not fun I would imagine. Oh and I'm not gonna get bothered if other people wanna be cute cuz it's just funny to me that I can actually get annoyed at something like that.

Also, I was feeling very lonely the other day which is strange cuz my parents were home but I just felt very lonely for some reason. It's strange cuz I feel lonelier when I'm around people sometimes than when I am actually alone. I have no idea or reason as to why this is.

And on a final note- I need a haircut. I am really trying to convince myself to get a haircut and then dye my hair for like a week just to say I finally did it and to see what it would look like... yes, I am almost positive that it is gonna happen... I just need to cut my hair... which I will... in like a week...

In conclusion- I am not cutting my hair nor am I dyeing it... I am all talk... lame...
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