(no subject)

Apr 12, 2009 23:32

I know I always say that I don't like my family that much (immediate and extended) but after spending time with them for the past two days I've come to the realization that my family could have been waaay worse than it is... like waaaaaay fucking worse... I mean, I'm pretty sure I kinda lucked out. My parents are ridiculous at times but I mean compared to the way my grandparents were with them then I have a relatively normal family and also I'm kinda better off than most of the older cousins I have. Like I said yesterday, the mere fact that I've never been in jail, had an illigitamate child and have never gotten hooked on any hardcore drugs should just automatically make me a success and especially given since all of that shit runs very high within my gene pool. Though it does make me wonder since I have addictions and mental disorders running through my blood why I haven't been afflicted yet. I mean if I don't show any signs by a certain age then aren't I in the clearing? I hope so because I fear that one day my craziness which has already shown its ugly head at times will just completely take me over and then I will have lived up to my family's genes.

I get the feeling sometimes that my parents are kinda ashamed of me and my sister since by certain social standards we are both bums with no futures but like I said- neither of us are really bad- no run ins with the law (outside of the usual tickets for bullshit reasons), not junkies and we both don't want kids so really we should be awesome in our parents eyes damn it!

Although I did find out something very interesting about my sister. Apparently she really doesn't have a job. But how is she surviving then one may ask. Well, it seems that last tax season she overpaid and she got a very nice and comfortable refund. To go along with this it also seems that one of her friends operates and runs a shop of some kind and rather than hire someone to do the books and whatnot, my sister just does it and they pay her under the table. Apparently she is really good at organizing shit. Who fucking knew? Certainly not me and I lived with her for 12 years. And since she isn't very high maintenance at all (unlike me I've learned) she is able to afford her place and not starve to death and also has not had to dip into her savings. So given all of the above information I am conceding to her as the favorite child. I mean my God am I impressed by her. I mean even though I have a job I am not self reliant like her. Not only did she manage to escape Riverside but she is also living on her own and able to afford it because she doesn't need luxuries which I am sad to say that I myself have become quite accustomed to. I swear I need to get in touch with my inner hippie so I can learn to not care about such things and live like her. Kudos to her I say.

And another reason why I think my parents might be ashamed by me is that my second cousin is about to graduate from high school and is trying to get into a nursing program out here and my parents are nurses (my dad is kinda big at Kaiser actually) so they've offered to let her stay with us for free while she is working and going to school if she so chooses. So now they would have one achieving child living with them and one 23 year old who works at a dead end job. I would do something about that but apathy and laziness are just so terribly convinient don't ya think?

And there was more that I wanted to say on the subject of family but Im having trouble focusing cuz Ive had a busy day full of lots of food (which is strange because we've never had like big meals for Easter before) and candy. I know, I broke my "diet" by endulging in candy but in my deffense it is purely my parents fault- they got me a goddamn basket with one of my favorite: Peanut M & M's- the bastards! So suffice it to say that I will be exercising like crazy this week to get rid of all those pounds Im sure I put on today alone.

But yeah, I'm sleepyish so end transmission here for the two of you actually reading this cuz you're bored.
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