Music Rec Post (With Downloads!)

Jun 05, 2011 06:58

I need to do a book rec post because I've read quite a few good books lately, but instead I'm going to do a music rec post since I can't stop listening to Joseph Arthur's new album.  And, then I decided to rec two other albums that I've been listening to a lot lately.  They all feel like Spring/Summer-y type albums, so maybe that could be the theme?

I've been listening to Joseph Arthur for quite a few years, ever since I discovered his song "Into The Sun" which I tend to put on almost every single playlist I make.  I usually like his stuff, so it wasn't a surprise that I liked Graduation Ceremony, but I don't just like the album, I've been a little blown away by just how good it is.  If I had to compare how I felt the first time I heard it, I would compare it to the first time I listened to Damien Rice's O album.  Not to say that the two are the same, or even similar for that matter.  O is bitter and angry (with the exception of "Canonball", obv), while Graduation Ceremony is more accepting and hopeful.  Where O is the angst and anger of being in the middle of a bad situation, Graduation Ceremony is the calm and peace that comes after moving on.  They are similar however, in that they are both, very much, whole and complete albums.  What I mean by that is, each song while able to stand on its own, is very much a part of something larger and it is best to listen to the album as a whole to get the whole picture.

You can tell as you listen to the album, Arthur has obviously gone through some major life changes, has dealt with the emotional fallout of those changes, made peace with himself, and is now able to look back without anger and bitterness.  The result of which is this amazing album.  I will admit here to being a little fascinated by how other people deal with major changes in their lives, more specifically, how they feel after the everything is over and it is time to simply move forward.  Obviously, this fascination stems from the changes that have taken place in every aspect of my life over the course of the last three years, so perhaps, my love for this album is a little biased.  But, then, what is music, if not subjective and biased?

It also reminds me a little of Iron and Wine's Our Endless Numbered Days in that listening to both makes me think of summer nights, laying outside in the green grass, and watching the stars (or, simply walking outside on a summer day).

Click to download album plus his song, "In The Sun."

I'm also loving YUCK's new self-titled album.  The best way to describe it is that it reminds me of bands I used to listen to in high school (mid to late nineties indie/alt rock).  Less Nirvana/Bush and more Posies/My Bloody Valentine if that helps.  If you're unfamiliar with those bands, you might not like this album.  However, the nineties are one of my favorite musical periods (I suppose there is a sense of nostalgia attached to that time) and so I pretty much immediately fell a little bit in love with this band.  Silversun Pickups are also one of my favorite present day bands who dabble in nineties influenced music.

Click me to download...

Foster The People are an interesting band.  I don't quite know what to make of them, but their new album Torches is fun and poppy with hidden layers.  I don't know if I love it, but I definitely like it a lot and keep coming back to it.  "Waste", "I Would Do Anything For You", "Houdini", and "Pumped up Kicks" are probably my favorite songs on the whole thing.

Click to download...


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