Isn't it depressing?

Mar 08, 2006 10:37

Everyone in the Western World knows that they are entitled to free speech, but as we have seen with the cartoons in Denmark and Muslim reaction, there are certain situations that are still even stretches for free speech, or is it?

While many people claim that it is not within the boundaries of free speech to be sarcastic, degrading and insulting, I believe that it is perfectly fine to say whatever the fuck you want and I think everyone deserves to not be punished for anything they say other than in ways that do not physically harm them. For example, the good people of the Muslim world should simply mock Western Humor and point out that the jokes are not funny and that it would be impossible for a non-muslim to even dream of depicting the image of Muhammed.

Furthermore, I think it is safe to say that anyone who believes it is their right to censor other peoples' views because they offend you is bullshit. If I say someone is a dickface, but then he/she says "Oh you can't call me that because of blah blah blah blah blah," I think they have the right to say whatever they want to me, but I should not be given consequence for calling them a dickface and getting them upset.

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