pour me anotha sam (you fuckin coniving bastard, suck my fat balls)

Feb 15, 2006 22:34

Helluv a week, I guess. I've been too busy to wallow in my own self pity and narcissism (read: LJ)
Ths is my fourth 40 hr week in a row, plus school, which means I only have time to beat it when i'm in the bathroom
hold on..lemme make anutha drink
Am I alienating myself from the only few peoples I love? maybe....but, hey, selfgod works in mysterious ways. and by the way, spelling is out the fucking window..I never proofread before, so I'll be damned if I do it half drunk and cynical. I'm like the dude, except my drink is Cran voddys and I have a pit that can rip the shit out of anyone's punk ass dog. Oh..how I love her hocks and trial tribulations.
what little I actually hold dear
Yeah, so Cheney shot his boy and I shot myself in the foot. except it was more like she shot me in the fucking heart (i bet you think this is about you) and once again I am completely jaded but I love slug because he is a talented artist that once had a lucy and now is happy. and on a askew tangent( mildly redundant) I fuckinn hate this bullshit about natural habitat. fuck wolves. Who ever said evolution wasn't dynamnic?? things fucking change. cute butterflies and caribou...suck balls. I was ahppy when that rott bit me. that waht happens. Lets destroy life and live on... c'mon
and I wish to all heck I had some pot, but I only got a part time weed man, and I guess that's good, except I can't blow and my lungs are thirsty and my brain feels dry. Why would you wanna be my friend by me saying that?
How would the latter dissuade you?
fuck balls and all. I have to be the person i feel I am, otherwise I will never be let into heaven. I feel that, and I feel that in others too. Sam, ur my dog. B-easy, Mal bizness, Mack Jeff, doo-doo man. hold me down. I feel like exploding, but 'm gonna leave that for when i have room to shine. Cause I will shine, I am determined. ad that's what it takes.
I fuckin love cranberryvodkas with trippysec and lime....hahahahaha drunk keeps me sane while I go crazy. levels my heaad and eases my mind as bob says
at least I'm well read
Now what will you do with it?
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