Title: Tongue-Tied and Overloaded [One-shot]
Author: carcrashheart_8
Pairings: HaeWook
Rating: PG
Summary: Ryeowook wants to talk to Donghae but finds himself unable to do so.
Disclaimer: Title taken from "About a Girl" by The Academy Is...
“One word.”
Ryeowook whispered to himself. He stared at the person standing mere feet away from him. He had all the opportunity in the world, but he was having trouble taking it.
“Just one word,” he repeated to himself as he continued staring.
He looked at Donghae and felt those same butterflies that always came up whenever he saw the older man. There was also the rapid heartbeat, the tingling of his skin, and the dryness in his mouth. Licking his lips and clearing his throat, he attempted to speak.
All that came was that squeaky one letter that made Ryeowook’s face go absolutely red and his mind go blank. Donghae looked back at him, a simple smile on his face.
“Hi,” he said.
Ryeowook didn’t know what to say next. Even if it was obvious to an outsider, Ryeowook couldn’t think. All he did was nod his head and hustle away, leaving Donghae standing with a curious expression on his face. Ryeowook just continued walking and didn’t bother looking back. He was too embarrassed and too ashamed to show his face.
The next day, Ryeowook found himself in the same position he was before.
“Just say hi. It’s not that hard.”
He blinked, thinking that maybe Donghae would disappear and he wouldn’t have to deal with the embarrassment he had experienced the day before. He licked his lips, the way he had before, but didn’t clear his throat. His mouth wouldn’t move and no words came out. He just stared.
“Are you going to talk to him or not?” Kyuhyun asked.
Ryeowook gave Kyu a look. It was as if he was trying to say “Shut up and let me think.” Ryeowook turned his attention back to Donghae. He was standing with Eunhyuk, Sungmin, and Leeteuk. Ryeowook felt intimated by the crowd and knew that if he wanted to talk to Donghae, he’d have to start a conversation with the group at large.
He walked over and stood between Eunhyuk and Sungmin. He didn’t say anything and neither man noticed him until Donghae looked up and smiled at him. Ryeowook’s face turned red, yet again, and his gaze went to Leeteuk. The older man stared Ryeowook down, causing him to feel even more nervous and awkward.
“Hi, Ryeowook,” Donghae said with a warm tone that made Ryeowook’s stomach turn. He wasn’t disgusted; he just felt the butterflies grow in number.
“H-Hi,” he managed to whisper.
Eunhyuk laughed.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
Ryeowook just smiled the same awkward smile he always got in a crowd of people. He couldn’t speak. What was wrong with him? It wasn’t that hard to start a conversation, much less continue one that was already taking place. Why wasn’t he talking? He wanted to smack himself clear in the face.
“So how are you doing?” Donghae asked him.
Ryeowook remained silent. It wasn’t until Kyuhyun came up behind and nudged him that he actually said anything.
“I’m fine!” he said in a high-pitched voice. He cleared his throat and affected his tone, “I’m fine.”
Donghae just smiled. That smile; why did he have to have that smile? It was so bright and inviting. Did he smile that way for everyone? Or was Ryeowook, somehow, special?
He didn’t know what to think. Why did Donghae have to be so nice to him?
“I’m actually late for my next class. I’ll see you guys later,” Donghae said after looking at his watch. He waved goodbye to everyone, his smile growing bigger when he looked at Ryeowook. The latter watched as he ran off and disappeared from sight.
Another day, another defeat. Ryeowook wanted to give up but he knew he couldn’t.
“What’d you think of the test?”
Ryeowook couldn’t believe he actually managed to start a conversation on his own, and just with him and Donghae.
“Ahh-it was hard. I think I must’ve skipped about 5 questions,” Donghae replied with a chuckle that made Ryeowook want to die.
That chuckle, why did he have to laugh in that way?
“What’d you think?”
Ryeowook shook his head.
“I don’t think I did so well. What were with some of those questions anyways?”
“I know, right?! That teacher is just making things up when she asks us these questions!”
Ryeowook listened as Donghae went on and on. Every nod and every smile in response made Donghae seem to open up more to Ryeowook.
Soon they were talking about weekend plans, their families, and eventually their love lives.
“So-are you seeing anyone?” Ryeowook asked. He realized the boldness of his question and wanted to take it back but was too curious to do so.
Donghae laughed. Another laugh, another ping to Ryeowook’s heart.
“Not really. I just got out of a serious relationship. I’m not really looking to start dating again, any time soon,” he said with a solemn tone to his voice.
Ryeowook’s eye twitched. He felt a bit defeated but didn’t think that hope was completely lost. His hope was restored more so with what Donghae said next.
“Are you seeing anyone? Tell me you aren’t.”
Why would he say such a thing?! Why would he say it with that turn of his head, a flip of his hair, and a slight smirk on his face?
“I-I’m not seeing anyone either. Why-why?”
“I’d hate to think I’m depriving someone of their time with someone like you. Don’t want your girlfriend to think that I’m monopolizing your time,” he joked.
Ryeowook didn’t get the joke. What was so funny? Why was he acting like Ryeowook was someone special? They barely talked to each other. Their relationship was casual at best. Why was Donghae saying these things?
“There’s no girlfriend. I’m single-I’m not happy about it, but it’s what life’s dealt for me.”
Why would you say something like that, Ryeowook thought to himself. It makes you sound desperate and lonely and emo. You sound pathetic, he thought.
“That’s too bad. You’re a pretty nice guy, Ryeowook. I hope there’s someone who can see that soon.”
Donghae smiled again. Ryeowook couldn’t take it anymore. This was too much for him. If he didn’t let it all out, he would probably collapse and die.
Ryeowook was so dramatic sometimes.
“Look-I think you’re pretty cool. I want to hang out with you more-not to talk about class but to talk about each other. I want to get to know you and hopefully, maybe in the future, you’ll see me as more than just ‘a pretty nice guy.’ If that’s too much to ask, then I’m sorry for bringing it up and why the hell am I saying this to you? You probably think I’m a creep. I’m sorry!”
Ryeowook wanted to run away but his feet wouldn’t move. He could only feel embarrassment overtake him as he replayed the words in his head, feeling more and more ashamed of his own bold attitude.
IDIOT, he said to himself.
“I would love that,” Donghae replied, same smile, same flick of the hair, and that same chuckle.
Did he really just accept Ryeowook’s psychotic confession? Why would he? There was no logic to saying yes to such an asinine request.
“G-Great, when should we get together?”
“Any time’s fine with me, Ryeowook.”
Ryeowook stared at Donghae. He wanted that smile to be only his. He didn’t want anyone else to see it, much less claim it as just something he did to show his friendliness. He wanted it to be something that he and only he could enjoy. He didn’t want anyone else to feel the way he felt when Donghae looked at him. He wanted this to be only his feeling, only his smile; all of it needed to be his.
“How’s Friday?”
A/N: I don't know why I wrote this. I missed writing HaeWook, I guess :O