Apparently I shouldn't watch House before bed anymore.

May 29, 2009 13:43

I figured as a first "real" entry (not just a "Here I am again!") I'd post about a dream I had last night. I know I dream a lot, and usually I remember topics or themes of dreams, not the whole one in its entirety--but this one I remember extremely vividly, and even in the middle of the night as I'd wake up, but drift off to sleep, the dream would continue where it left off.

Actually, I didn't go to sleep for a few hours after I watched it, but it was the first episode of Season 4, where House has just lost his team and is trying to figure out the case on his own to prove he doesn't need a team. The case was a building that had collapsed and the girl was horribly disfigured and whatever and at the end, it turns out he's treating the wrong girl.

So I dreamt that I was pretty much the horribly disfigured girl. I woke up in the hospital looking like she had and was scheduled for surgery. I had one minor procedure in the morning, and it made my face swell up even more horribly than it was, and then I spent the rest of the day in the waiting room, my big surgery not until 8:30 pm. (The fuck? Oh well, I'm sure the time of the surgery was the least of my problems in this dream. :p) I'm waiting with my dad, my mom, my aunt and uncle, and I was very ashamed of the way I looked--I was absolutely mortified and I was scaring little children. But apparently Fall Out Boy was in town, so the one thing that was keeping me happy was following Pete's twitters about things they were doing in town.

Suddenly, he decided he'd give away tickets to their concert by tweeting clues about certain fans, and if it was you, you'd have to go find him. He tweets the first fan--not me. But a little while later, he tweets something about a big fan with an even bigger, swollen head. lmao. It was such bad phrasing and probably even a little bit offensive! But I got my dad to drive me around and eventually I found Pete. The first time, he walked away from me, but the second time, I called out to him: "Pete! Your twitter! I got hit in the head with a bass and my head's swollen!" And he's like: "Yeah! These tickets are for you!" So he gives them to me through the window, telling me I need to get back to the hospital, but he asks me what really happened and I tell him that I have no idea--I just woke up like this in the hospital. He tells me they'll schedule the concert around me getting better and says that I'll get a confirmation call about where to go, because he'll let me watch from backstage.

Before he could walk away, I quickly show my arm to him to show him my tattoo. He says that's awesome and wants me to get out of the car so he can take a picture. As I get out, Patrick appears and Patrick has my camera and is taking all kinds of pictures of me interacting with the members of the band, all of them really into my tattoo and really wanting me to get better. The most important thing to me, of course, was taking a picture with Patrick. :) After this was accomplished, we went back to the hospital and I couldn't wait to tell everyone I had just met all of Fall Out Boy and show them my pictures. As I went to show my mom, I was looking and all of the pictures were of torso's and, like, action shots--to which I was really disappointed in Patrick's picture-taking abilities. But then I realized these weren't pictures of just now--these were pictures of the accident I was in to make me look like this.

As I was looking through the pictures, the doctor came to tell me that by doing my lab tests, they found that I had a blood-alcohol content of .8. (HOLY SHIT!) The pictures basically went into horrible detail about how I was driving and then crashed with a garbage truck, I think it was, and completely totaled my car, shredding it to pieces--but I was the only one seriously injured. They told me that I was incredibly lucky, because by my BAC I should be dead as it is, then especially by how gruesome the accident was. I was completely embarrassed that this was the cause of what happened and that I had been so stupid to get drunk so badly and then drive. And I was especially fearful of what my parents would think, and then that I was going to lose my license. But as I continued to look through the pictures, I eventually got to the ones Patrick had taken, and to my surprise, in each of the pictures, my face was completely healed and I had no visible injuries. He still needed to do some surgery to repair some things, but after that I would be ready to go and could go to the concert!

Which, I did get a confirmation call about what to do, but the girl was a complete bitch and refused to tell me at first what to do and where to go because I was making fun of somebody, but in a joking, friend kind of way which she took very seriously and that it was unacceptable for me to act like that.

Anyway--the dream was pretty scary, and it caused me to break out! LOL. I guess the lesson is... don't drink and drive? I don't know. By drinking and driving and ending up in the hospital with defacing injuries, I did get to meet and get backstage passes to see Fall Out Boy. :p So I have no clue! LOL!

house, fall out boy, dream

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