I feel so haggard and run-down today. Could be because it's the third day in a row where I've only gotten 6 hours of sleep. And here I thought I was going to get so much sleep this quarter by starting an hour later. Now I just find that I'm late to Linguistics practically every day because it's all the way over in Mary Gates, no matter how early I get up it's the fucking same bullshit and it stresses me out. Not that there's really a penalty for being late to class...I just don't like it. Also my physical fitness is going down the drain. I can't get myself to go to the IMA because it takes forever to get there, then I spend about an hour and a half running so I can burn 850 calories, and then it takes forever to get back to the apartment again. Also, it's been really fucking cold and cloudy lately and I never feel like going out in that shit. It's the middle of fucking APRIL!! So far we've had 2 (two!) nice days, and that was the beginning of last week and ever since then it's been fucking shitty as fuck. It might as well be fucking November. Needless to say, it's had a negative effect on my mood. When it was nice though, I was so fucking happy, I went out and ran on the Burke-Gilman, cleaned and organized every bit of the apartment, got all my fucking homework done...but now I just fucking hate everything. Man things would be a million times easier if I had a fucking car. Oh also people have been disgusting me lately. I think I've been watching too much trashy reality TV with Danny, like Real Housewives, and College Life. Oh my god, those people are so petty and they get to throw around money like it's fucking nothing, and they don't feel any guilt or shame about it, which they should, considering what's happening to MOST of the fucking world's population today. And then I go to campus and I just see all these selfish, materialistic, fashion-obsessed kids wandering around, talking on their cell phones, bragging about how they got so drunk last night, how they can drink so much, and just yammering on and on about drinking and partying. And I just think, how disgusting. I know I'm a hypocrite, I've had my drinky-party times just like anyone else, but I grew out of that fast. For some people it's a continuing lifestyle choice, like Brionna's friends. And Brionna herself. Granted, she's not as bad as most people, but still. Same thing with Danny; every Friday he wants to get wasted, and when he does, he realizes it's not doing him any good, it's not really helping with his stress, so I've been trying to think of something else to do that's relaxing, but everything's a huge fucking hassle. A lot of college students just don't give a fuck about their education, and I think that's the number one thing that sickens me, because if you don't give a fuck, what the fuck are you doing in college? Like that stupid song "I Love College." Forget studying and all that shit, college is supposed to be about craaazy parties and getting drunker than you'll ever get in your life! And once you get out of college, all the fun stops so you'd better live it up while you still can! What fucking bullshit. People need to get rid of that myth that college is such a utopia full of drinking and partying and sex. Every time I see it, I get even more pissed off. In conclusion I need sleep.