I awoke today at 630AM (I still don't know why) to find on the Yahoo News Site that the United Kindom has deemed santa "too scary" for young children. if you don't beleive me here is the link
http://uk.news.yahoo.com/12122005/140/warning-santa-scary-kids.html this bothers me on many many levels. I mean I have been one to witness a child, being taken to see Santa, crying and trying to run away. But at the same time I see the parents trying to calm the child and get them to sit on santas lap nonetheless. On a basic level, this is for some the first chance as a child to face their fears and in my personal opinion "providing an exit" as suggested in the artice is only furthuring the "wussification" of the children of today.
Another point that was stated in the article was that parents should set up games without winners and without losers. This is something that has been talked about for years, and once again I think that this is insane, simply because of the very nature of getting rid of a basic point of life. There will always be winners and there will always be losers. I beleive that we cannot allow children to grow thinking that it is impossible to lose. While I wish that were true we all lose at some point in our life. it could be losing the chance at a girl, a job. or gambling your life savings away at a business venture and having to file bankrupcy. life is filled with winners and losers. and its the ones that realize that that have the better chance of being the winners. so please consider this an open letter to all of the people who think that its wrong to make your children cry over seeing Santa, or that you don't want them to cry because they didn't win a party game:
STOP, the sooner they realize that they aren't going to always win and that life isn't fair, the better off they will be and the less the chance that they are going to still be living in your basement when they are 30 years old