
Apr 02, 2005 17:34

I am stealing this from Tink

if i were a month id be:June
if i were a day of the week id be: Saturday
if i were a time of day id be: 3am
if i were a planet id be: earth...all around good
if i were a sea animal id be: sea animal? wtf? idk...eel?
if i were a direction id be: West
if i were a piece of furniture id be: recliner...laid back
if i were a sin id be: probably greed
if i were a historical figure id be: God haha just kidding...Alexander the Great
if i were a liquid id be: oil
if i were a tree, id be: Oak...long lived and tough
if i were a bird, id be: Hawk
if i were a tool, id be: idk...a screwdriver? not the drink Tink
if i were a flower/plant, id be: vine
if i were a kind of weather, id be: cool and dark
if i were a mythical creature, id be: Elf
if i were a musical instrument, id be: guitar
if i were an animal, id be: lion? idk
if i were a color, id be: Black
if i were an emotion, id be: humor
if i were a vegetable, id be: apricot? idk
if i were a sound, id be: that creaking sound of floorboards
if i were an element, id be: fire
if i were a car, id be: Farrari
if i were a song, id be: Iris-Goo Goo Dolls
if i were a movie, id be: Phantom of the Opera baby
if i were a book, id be: LOTR
if i were a food, id be: burger
if i were a place, id be: I like what Tink said...the forest
if i were a material, id be: leather (no not for fetish reasons
if i were a taste, id be: wow...idk, strawberry( sorry tink for stealing some of yours)
if i were a scent, id be: unscented haha beat that
if i were a word, id be: Dark
if i were an object, id be: A sword
if i were a body part id be: guys should not answer this question
if i were a facial expression id be: a comforting smile
if i were a subject in school id be: science
if i were a cartoon character id be: Does Green Lantern count?
if i were a shape id be a: triangle
if i were a number id be: 5003003889374975 idk something random

.. questions ..

Name: Jacob
Birthday: June 3 1986
Nationality: White and part indian and irish and scottish I think
Screen Name: Rebornhunter3213...reborn means alot to me
Hair Length: semi long
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: brown
Piercings: no tho I had a dream that my ears were pierced last night
Tattoos: not yet although I want a pheonix on my right arm

Color:Black...dark and subtle
Perfume: well...not perfume but Polo Blue cologne
T.V. Show: hmm...Smallville when I get to watch it
Movie: Phantom of the Opera
Band/Singer: DMB
Radio Station: XM 020 or 022 or 021 or any of the other 200 channels
Subject: Science
Hangout: the theater at school (sad huh?)
Fruit: strawberry
Month: june
Season: fall
Holiday: New Years
Saying: "bollix"

"Do Questions"
Do you believe in love at first sight? somewhat
Do you get along with your parents? dad hell no, mom yeah
Do you think about suicide? I might have once...in passin, but no
Do you drink? no
Do you do drugs? nope
Do you smoke? nope
Do you think you have multiple personalities? I used to be, but we're fine now...lol no I don't

"Best Questions"
Best person to talk to: Caitie, Ginger, Laura, Emma, or any of the other friends I have
Best relationship: Caitie
Best feeling: love
Best thing in the world: friendship
Best stuffed animal you own: none
Best thing that happened to you yesterday or today: spending a day with Caitie just hanging around

"Last Questions"
Last time you cried: 5 years ago when my dog died probably
Last movie you saw in a theatre: The Ring 2...Sin City tonight
Last movie you rented: Kill Bill..didn't watch it tho
Last movie you bought: hmm...idk
Last song you listened to: can't remember probably Final Fantasy XI in game music
Last song you downloaded: Save tonight
Last TV show you watched: Drew Carey
Last song that was stuck in your head: Phantom of the Opera
Last person you were thinking of: Caitie
Last person you talked to: Ginger
Last person you hugged: Mom
Last person you kissed: Caitie duh
Last person you went to eat out with: idk Caitie probably
Last person you slow danced with: Caitie
Last person you yelled at: Casey
Last person you called: Chris actually
Last person who called you:Angel
Last person who told you a story: Tink
Last person who made you smile: Caitie
Last person who made you laugh: Ginger
Last person who said they love you: Caitie

Closest: Caitie( who receives amnisty since shes my gf), Chris, Laura, Ginger, and everyone else on my Best Friends list
Who lives farthest away: hmm...Emma easy
Who's known you longest:hmm...Denise probably
Who lives closest to you: Denise
Who is the tallest: no clue
Who is the shortest: hmm once again idk
Who is the meanest: Tink in a sarasctic way
Who is the nicest: laura
Who is the loudest: haha Laura or Ginger
Who is the smartest: me lol, no idk
Who is the craziest: there all insane lol
Who is the most violent: Chris...hes like me
Who sings the best: Manda cause shes in chourus
Who dresses the best: me *crowd yells bullshit* haha idk...manda? or chris
Who makes you smile most: all of them
Who gives you a funny feeling when you see them: idk
Who do you turn to the most: all of them...they all help me and are all great friends

"Love & Relationships"
Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend/crush: Caitie
What do you notice first in the opposite sex: face and then mind
Are you currently in love: yes
First crush: Lauren Dixion
First love: Caitie
ideal date: just being with the person
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