Mar 17, 2008 02:04
This entry will be longer than a paragraph and will probably contain no videos. So get ready to read, sucka!
This past week has been astronomically delightful. The entire week was pretty much stacked full of hangouts with friends. The days of the week sort of blend together, so I'm not completely sure which days were which. The nights are easier to differentiate, generally.
Work has been the same all week - every day was busy and fast, for the most part, so it just went by so quickly. I designed stuff this week that the clients really dug, and that my co-workers also thought were great. It's such a nice confidence boost.
Let's see where my days have gone...
Sunday night was spent hanging out with Justin, Abram and Leticia. We played a bunch of Wii over at Abram's place and started watching There Will Be Blood, which looks great.
Monday was phenomenal, top to bottom. Another night of hangouts with the above folk + Jen & Travis. This time, we button-mashed our way through Super Smash Bros., which Travis had purchased over the weekend. It's pretty fun, especially when there's a big group of people playing. It wasn't until later in the week that I was able to play as Luigi and completely realize my SSB potential... Luigi fucking owns. ALWAYS.
Wednesday night was spent hanging out with Stephanie and Kaitlyn, along with a fifty-pack of classic (read: cheesy) horror movies, veggie chicken nuggets and ice cream. It was pretty spectacular.
Thursday was Lost night, always a good time.
The weekend was spent hanging out with The Steves, Chelsea, and the rest of the gang. We invented a ridiculously awesome version of blackjack on Friday night, which I hope to revisit again very soon.
This week was also the time for watching the final season of Arrested Development. That show is amazing, and it's a shame that it was only run for three seasons. It's probably one of the best TV shows ever produced.
Today was fantastic, too. Kaycee came over for dinner and hanging out, and that was a hoot. Despite what all of my friends may say, Dude, Where's My Car? IS a sweet movie, and you're a complete tool if you can't get down with all of the shibbiness of it all.
I did some thinking this week, and I realized that my year has been pretty incredible. Even with some things being shitty, everything has worked out perfectly for me.
Eric can attest to the fact that I never saw things going very far in the relationship that I was in. I wound up at his place one night last summer and we talked at length about that and other random things that just kept pouring out.
When shit did go down, I tried to get out of town as quickly as possible. I only told my core group of friends, opting to just cut and run without letting anyone else know what was going on. So, I started looking for job transfers in Bristol & Philadelphia. I was able to find a job, and then a place to live, eventually.
I had to give my notice here, which I was happy to do. But then, a few days before I was supposed to move, I found out that I couldn't move into the place that I was supposed to be moving into. Apparently, the guy renting out rooms in his house didn't actually own the house yet. Aces.
It was just one setback after another in that attempt to move, which I kept seeing as repeated signs that I shouldn't be going. I kept trying, though, but that was the final straw.
So, here I was in Plattsburgh. Without a job. Without a possibility to get out.
Then I stumbled onto the Pennysaver; I didn't know if they were hiring, but knew that they were a printshop and that I had experience with that stuff (sort of), so I gave it a shot. Fortunately, they had decided that they wanted to hire someone part-time the morning I called to ask if they were hiring.
That week, they had to fire their second graphic design guy, so I was put into that job as a full-timer.
Around the same time, we started the band. I also started to get into the music scene around here, having attended some inspiring shows at 56.
I've always been a firm believer in karma and fate. "Everything happens for a reason" and all of that.
Well, if my relationship hadn't gone to shit, I wouldn't have tried to leave town. If I hadn't tried to leave town, I wouldn't have had to quit my job and I wouldn't have been screwed on trying to leave by some schmuck. If that hadn't happened, I wouldn't have been stuck here. Which means I wouldn't have tried to get a new job. Which means I wouldn't have started the band with my friends. Which means I wouldn't be getting more and more involved in the scene in and around Plattsburgh.
Right now, I'm not pursuing a dream that I've had my entire life - that of becoming a professional wrestler. However, I'm pursuing a different dream that I never thought would happen - that of being in a band with my friends. We have so much fun together, and I'm so happy that we've all been able to come together like this.
I think that I can honestly say that I have never been happier with my life. Everything in my life is absolutely perfect - I can't really complain about too much right now.
When things get rough and nothing seems worthwhile, it's worthwhile to remember that everything DOES happen for a reason. It may seem like everything is falling to pieces with no positive outcome in the future... but just give it time. I wouldn't have been thinking about all of this back in August - but now it's so obvious.
The shit that made me feel like my entire year was a waste is the same shit that drove me to make the necessary changes to become who I am right now. A happy person with great friends and a great job with a positive outlook on life and living.
I have no regrets.