im reading this thinspo blog kate linked me to and oh my god
these broads are nuts
"How long does getting thin take? asked Pooh anxiously.
"About a week, I should think."
.."A week!" said Pooh gloomily. "What about meals?"
"I'm afraid no meals, " said Christopher Robin, "because of getting thin quicker. But we will read to you."
that nigger was stuck in a hole!!!!!!!!!
I am you butter, I am your bread, the voice inside your head, I'll fill you up with lack of being fed.
Remember: Goals are dreams with deadlines.
i can imagine courage wolf saying this
Never eat any anything bigger than your head. You'll only stretch your stomach out. Better yet, never eat anything bigger than your fist. You want to look like a model or movie star? Actresses Julia Roberts and Cameron Diaz and singer Diana Ross all have BMIs under 17.5.
5 reasons not to eat today: 1. You will be fat if you eat today
2. Hunger and craving are only feelings
3. Thin is graceful, fat is clumsy
4. Everything you want to be is merely buried under a layer of fat.
5. You've come too far to take orders from a cookie
you fucking show that cookie you've had ENOUGH
which one will you be?
Letter from Ana
Dear Kat,
I wanted to congratulate you on your weight loss. I know you are very excited, and have received many congratulatory sentiments from your faithful readers. Enjoy the victory, but keep in mind that I am the one who should be receiving the praise.
Every single pound you ever have or ever will shed is thanks to me. And me alone. You think you're oh so clever and wonderful and good at losing weight, but it's all me. You owe all your thanks to me. Thank me that you are able to fit into those size 4s. Thank ME that you can step outside in the morning and face the world because you are less fat than you were.
Did I say "less fat"? Yes, yes, I did. What, you didn't expect me to tell you that you are thin enough, did you? Oh, darling, you know better than that. You are NOT thin. Don't think for one moment that you are anywhere close to being thin enough. You are still fat, fat, fat. And every single time you put food into that ungrateful mouth of yours, you are just making yourself MORE fat.
I am incredibly disappointed in the amount of food you have been consuming. This is not, and never will be, acceptable. You are failing as an anorexic every time you binge like you do. And do you expect to get away with all this eating and not gain weight? Haha, WRONG. Step on the scale to see if I lie. Ana never lies. Thanks to your weak power, it will take you weeks to reach the goals you were so close to when you had control.
Regain control, NOW. Unless you want to turn right back into the fat cow you have been for so long. Control is the only way. CONTROL.
p.s. Get your lazy ass out for a jog once in a while.
wow ana is a BItch.