Feb 14, 2004 21:36
well i did alright i guess, i didn't fuck up anything, i didn't say the wrong names or anything
but wow what a fucked up wedding
two dysfunctional families, a bar that caters to homeless people, a dog running around the bar, this is her fourth marraige, he's fresh out of jail, her first husband gave her away (he has aids from a heroin needle and sells my mother drugs)
so i get there and get the wedding vows and they were pretty short and sweet and all that crap, she wore a RED dress to get married in. so we hang around and i study my vows and its finally time to get down to business. i married them in the living room, in front of the enterainment center, they did turn the tv off... her first husband gave her away here come her and aids man, and he gives her away and i do my blah blah saying stuff. one of her sister sang the lord's prayer and the brides son stuck his fingers in her ears, i probably would have too had it not been totally rude. as soon as the ceremony is over her singing sister is all over me telling me i should have half my stomach cut out because she did and she lost all this weight (i'm fat, for those of you who don't know) and i was just like well thats awesome congratulations blah blah blah, i jjust wanted to get out of the fucking corner she had me backed into because she was in my personal space.
so once its over i leave to go to bucks bar. sounds classy eh? its downtown and i've never been there because its kinda shady, its right next to a ghetto grocery store, you know the kind, where all the food stamp people go and you have to bring your own bags and everything they sell is in a black and white box.. so everyone gets there and starts eating, the food was pretty good, can't say anything bad about that, cept they were faux mashed potatoes. i'm totally against faux mashed potatoes, its just unnatural. everyone called me high priestess while i was there. they cut the cake and did all the throwing garter/bouquet junk, some little 6 year old got the bouquet, i guess it will be like 2 decades before i get married. meanwhile theres this pit bull running around the bar thats aids man's dog. she waddled aroudn more than anything, maybe just a teeny overfed. this jukebox blaring country music all night. i was so glad to be leaving when it was finally time to go. some real characters there though, i think i saw part of zz top hanging out, but he needed to comb the dreds out of his beard. this one woman kept following me around after i told her i married the happy couple asking me when she was gonna get married like i'm fuckin ms. cleo or some shit. the happy couple isn't even really married anyway, they didn't have a marraige license yet, so i'll have to sign their paperwork later.
its good to be home, taking off my make up was a great feeling, and loosing the stockings was heaven. i'm now going to take a pill and c hill out