Jun 20, 2004 13:32
With NEWTS approaching in the upcoming weeks, I'm pleased to announce that everything appears to be running smoothly for the end of semester activities. The weather is pleasant and ideal for examinations, with most students being in a reasonable and prepared state of mind. This at least seems to be the case with the Ordinary Wizarding Level students, I cannot speak entirely for my own year group, as I have been fully occupied elsewhere.
All Students please be informed that I will be posting the examination timetable within the next week, and the much anticipated document has arrived from the examination board within the Ministry. It is currently locked safely away in my private study, so searching for it in an attempt to be better prepared than your fellow students would be futile at best. Miss Granger, you have been warned.
I am afraid that I may have offended Miss Zabini. This was not my intent and I extend the most staunch and sincere of apologies to her. I do not quite understand what she is referring too half the time. I feel she would benefit with some additional peer support clinics. If she would like to borrow the books-on-parrot from me she is more than welcome and can collect them from my office after 9pm when my day comes to a close.
Terrence Boot,
Head Boy.
PS. Mr Cain, remove your icon or I will take the liberty of removing you. Or relieving you of your genitals. Your choice.