I have the eyes of a 70 yr-old...and I'd like to give them back....

Mar 12, 2012 16:35

As some of you know, I have been having difficulty with my vision for the past year.  I have had two prescription changes in my glasses to no avail.  My vision has gone from a -9 to a -11.  For those of you who don't know, that's REALLY bad.  I can no longer drive at night.  The dr. could find nothing wrong after tests for glaucoma, detached retina, macular degeneration, etc.  Finally I went to a new dr. today.  She performed a field vision test that I failed miserably, and  color test on which I did marginally well.  After dilating my eyes twice, she remarked, "Good heavens, you have the cataracts of a 70 yr-old!"  I am 44, but I've always been an over-achiever.  :(   Surgery will be required, since mine are so advanced.  So the next 2 months will be spent going to a surgery consult and having first one and then the other eye done.  The wait between eyes is 3-4 weeks.  While this is inconvenient, I am thrilled to know what is wrong and that it can be fixed.  I was very afraid of going blind.

I admit to some trepidation about eye surgery.  Since my vision has been an issue since I was 8, I have always been very protective of it.  Someone cutting into my eye kinda freaks me out.  I know it's a very common eye surgery, but I am a bit nervous.  Bill is kind of cavalier about it, but Bill has 20/20 vision and no cataracts.  :/    I've no doubt he will be supportive and wonderful at the time, though.

Ok, off to take a nap.  All the testing has given me a headache,that I hope resting my eyes will get rid of.  Take care LJ!  

eyes, health

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