Feb 25, 2012 21:23
Ok, some of you that are more sarcastic might say that I am merely posting on LJ because I gave up Facebook for Lent....and you would largely be right. Since freeing up about 17 hours of my day now, I can come back to LJ and enjoy. Truly, LJ is better in many ways: NO ONE in my family belongs to LJ; LJ allows more room for discussion; I feel like I can be myself (in all my crazy Conservatism) on LJ and not be judged; I have friends here that I don't have on FB, and I've come to miss you.
So what up with the headbanger? A recent trip to the dr. has ruled out lupus, but has uncovered a Vitamin D deficiency that I have remedied with a 5000 u pill. Also cholesterol is up, and genetics are strongly against me in this manner. I am eating more white meat and taking fish oil. Last but not least, my RF (Rhuematoid Factor) inches ever higher. Rah. I have increased pain meds and Prozac, and this seems to be helping. Overall I still struggle with a great deal of pain and fatigue, but I am thankful for every good day God gives me.
In other news, I continue to work with my high school youth kids, and I totally get a charge out of it. We have a great group of kids, and my time with them benefits me as much if not more than them. As for family, some of you may remember that my mother was very sick this past summer (Sis and I were quite concerned). She is doing beautifully now, thanks to med adjustments. She has quit driving, but is quite willing to go places and enjoys getting out. She and my Sis have had some rough patches of late over errands that need to be run (when, where, how often...), and I am trying to help out as much as I can. This situation is the main cause of my stress these days, and I can only hope that Sis and Mom can work together, and I will help as I can.
Ok, that was not very snarky or headbangery, so I will try to ramp the sarcasm and humor in additional entries. :D