
Jul 09, 2009 07:40

Today is the fifth anniversary of my dad's death and the eighth anniversary of my Uncle Ray's.  I've always found it interesting that two of the most  important men in my life died on the same date.

Dad was very much a self-made man.  He got no help from his parents at all, and the drive to show them how successful he could be lasted his entire life.  He was self-disciplined to a fault:  he quit drinking and smoking cold turkey and remained sober the rest of his life.  That self-discpline didn't always extend to his mouth, though, and he could yell like a crazed Irishman.  He had a rapid-fire wit and a great sense of humor.  He was the drum major of his high school band, his college, and the US Coast Guard Band in WW II.  He gave his temper (which I have mostly learned to control, thank God), his musical ability, and his humor to me, and I thank God that I was allowed to have my dad for as long as I did.

Uncle Ray, my mom's younger brother, was a study in contrast to Dad.  Ray was unassuming...likely to blend into the background of a crowd.  Ray was quite like Forrest Gump, a bit slow, but also capable of keen observations.  He was kind, gentle, and would quite literally give you the shirt of his back.  Uncle Ray lived with Mom and Dad his entire life, and he spoiled my sis and I rotten.   Anything we wanted, he was out the door to go get.  He was the same way with Chelsea.  He had a heart for kids with learning disabilities, and once paid for the Christmas party for the special ed. class at the high school where he was the janitor.  I learned patience, compassion, and generosity from him, and I'm thankful he was in my life.

I'll see both Ray and Dad again, and I am comforted by knowing that. 

remembering, dad, uncle ray

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