Oct 22, 2008 06:36
Hello, all. And why is the headbanger up at this ungodly hour of the morning, when usually homeschooling doesn't start until 9 a.m.? Because your friendly neighborhood headbanger agreed to put her neighbor's kids on the bus, since said neighbor has to leave for work early this a.m. Yes, I know, only Mother Theresa has a better chance at sainthood than I. (Insert smirk here.) Actually, my neighbor is awesome, and going through a rough time, so I have no problem helping her out when I can. She'd do the same for me... and has.
It's going to rain in the next 36-48 hours. Thus sayeth the Human Barometer Headbanger. Thank God for Advil Cold and Sinus. I buy so much of that crap that I'm just waiting for the day then the TN Bureau of Investigation busts down my door looking for the meth lab. It's the only thing that tames the sinus beast, though. And thus, I risk my liberty for better living through chemistry.
As usual on Wednesdays, C and I are spending tonight with Mom. I'm enjoying this situation, as it let's C spend time with Mom, and I can check on Mom and make sure she is eating properly. That woman barely eats anything unless someone is there with her. When C and I are in the house, she wants to make sure we eat well, and by default she eats better and more. To that end, Bill and I have invited Sis and her to Thanksgiving dinner at our place this year.
Ok, almost time for kids to arrive, so I better sign off. Take care, all.