May 15, 2008 10:51
A few months ago, Bill made a very difficult decision to get out of the Army National Guard. Bill has been a soldier in some capacity (active in the 82nd Airborne for 4 years, SSG Cav Scout in the Guard for 12) for most of his adult life, so the decision was not made without some serious thought. His ETS date is June 6. Yesterday it was announced that his regiment has been placed on alert for redeployment to......who knows, that's classified at this point. So the 64 million dollar question is: is Bill affected by Stop Loss....the rule the army has that can keep you in even though your ETS date is coming up? The answer is most likely not. He will probably get out since his ETS date is so soon. If it were further down the road, say 90 days or so, then that might be a problem. BUT this is the Army, folks, and the only thing that doesn't change is that THINGS CHANGE. So like a good military wife, I expect nothing and hope for the best. I'm hoping we'll know more when Bill goes to his next Guard drill which will be the weekend of May 30.
Now, let me explain my feelings here. If Bill has to go, then I will support him in every way. I've been there, done that, and literally have a t-shirt. I'm sure some of you remember my homicidal fun term as the Family Support Group Leader for Bill's unit. There's no doubt in my mind I can do it again. But do I want to? No. There's something in the back of my mind that says Bill beat the odds for all that time in Baghdad, and can he do it again? Can you be that lucky twice? And then I switch my brain off that kind of thinking, because it makes people crazy; I've seen it. Another strange line of thought I have is that if Bill DOESN'T go, I expect to see some real problems with him dealing with the fact that "his" unit is there and he is not. Not sure how that will play out in his mood and actions, but Bill's loyalty and service to his country are part of the very fabric of his personality. Either way it could get interesting.
Regardless of whether Bill goes or stays, I'll have some very dear friends that will be saying goodbye to their loved ones over the next year. I hope they know they can count on me ( and Bill if he's here) for anything in that time. BTW, if you see a person in uniform, whether it's in the mall, at the store, or on the street. Stop and thank them for their service. It doesn't take that long, and you'll both feel good. I know....I did it today.