Clam Chowder a la Chelsea

Jul 06, 2007 19:21

Taking her cue from Pixar's newest, "Ratatouille,"  Chelsea has decided to become an amatuer chef (after all, she still wants to be a vet).  Her first recipe?  Clam chowder and coffee.  Literally, she wanted to put the coffee IN the clam chowder.  Now even though Bill and I are infamous for our coffee drinking, we weren't sure about the compatibility of coffee and clam chowder.  In the end, we talked her into putting a pinch of coffee into a rather large pot of clam chowder.  She was in charge of stirring and did a fine job.  She then asked me (her assistant) to cube some cheese to have as a side dish.  Then in a moment of genius, she put some of the cubes in the clam chowder.  Yum.  After the chowder was heated to her satisfaction, she had her second assistant (Bill) come take it off the stove and pour it into the bowls.  A yummy supper ensued, and she is already talking about being chef again next month, where she wants to try barbecued chicken with vinegar.  For her hard work, the chef got a Weight Watchers fudge bar, and she was quite happy.

Bill was off work today, and we had a great family day.  We went to Walmart and shopped for candles and picture-hanging stuff.  Then it was off to Barnes and Noble where Chelsea and I had a frappacino (decaf, thank you), and Bill hung out in the military history section.

When we got home, I got busy arranging pictures the way I wanted them hung.  This required me to put some of them in different frames, as well as rematting them, which I did with my scrapbooking tools.  Bill will hang more of them tonight, if he ever wakes up.  He is currently imitating the wounded rhino again in his recliner.

Bill's parents are coming to visit tomorrow.  Nothing will make you clean the place like a visit from the in-laws.   


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