2.5.4.C - Scenario Prompt - (the_bigshow)

Mar 08, 2008 14:04

Your character is approached/attacked/confronted/etc... by one of the following things/people in one of the following settings. Write a fic based on this.

C. A nosy investigative reporter, in front of your character’s home.

With a curse and a yelp Shawn stormed into the office, his eyes wide, panic written all over his face. He slammed the door shut with a girly gasp, resting his back against it like an army of huns was about to bring their battering ram.

Gus looked up from his report. Looked. Frowned. "Dude."

"Get down! Get down! He can see you!"

"Did you ride the power mower and ruined your dad's backyard again?"

"Dude, will you listen to me? This is not about lawn mowing, this is serious business! It's that newspaper man!"

"What?" Gus' eyes widened as he immediately dived down, hitting the floor with palms and ellbows. "Again? I don't believe it!"

Shawn dropped to his knees, crouching over to join his friend, still breathless and obviously shaken. "He totally went paparazzi all over my butt. Which, if you think about it, is even creepier than approaching me and shoving questions into my face."

"You think that's creepy? He went through my garbage can last night! This guy is crazy!" Gus fumbled for his cell phone. "Let's call the cops. They gotta do something against this alien."

"Gus, let's please think this through. He is not an alien."

"Shawn, he is a stalker! He hasn't left our side for three days straight! Besides, his hair is blotchy. I didn't know hair could be blotchy until I saw that guy!"

"You do have a point... plus, he has a serious speech impediment."

Gus shot him an annoyed look. "He does not have a speech impediment, Shawn. You told him my name was Sburdon G'tuster."

"Which sounds downright Jedi to me."

"So what do we do? We can't have him following to our suspect's house. We have to get rid of him somehow!"

"I know, I know... let me think." Shawn's eyes narrowed in concentration as he rubbed his temples. "How to get rid of someone nosy, annoying, impossible to get off your b- dude!" His face lit up and he bellowed a laugh.


"I so know how to get him."


Shawn leaned over and started explaining the plan in a low voice.

Gus pulled back in irritation. "Dude, why are you whispering in my ear?"

Shawn blinked and then huffed. "Really? You never heard of dramatic effects?"

"There is no one here, Shawn."

"Practically, there is no one there when they do it on TV, is there?"

"That's just stupid, Shawn."

"It's for the tension!"

"There is no tension!"

"Can we just get to it?"



"Mr. Spencer! Mr. Spencer! Can I ask you some questions!"

"What the- get the hell outta my way!" Henry growled.

"As the father of Santa Barbara's most famous paranormal investigator I'm so glad you agreed to this interview!"

"Interview? What the hell, I'm here to drop some stuff for my lazy-assed son. Who the hell are you?"

Apparently the reporter guy didn't read the signs right or he hadn't done enough research to smell the danger of upcoming wrath. "Let's not waste time! I've talked to some of my most reliable sources and I would like to start with the most important question right away. So, please, can you tell me this: When did you first realize you enjoy wearing women's clothes and do you think it had a striking influence on your son's spirituality?"

Shawn and Gus sat huddled together under the window and cautiously peeked outside. "Dude."

"Wow, that's even better than I expected."

"I almost feel bad for the guy."

"Too bad we gotta miss this to make a run for it."



"We should go."

"Yes, we should."

"... you got the camcorder?"

"Right here."

Muse: Shawn Spencer
Fandom: Psych
Words: 612


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