1.75.1 - Quote - (realmofthemuse)

Nov 02, 2007 11:47

Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
King James version of the Bible - 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (various authors)

Love is patient;

"Dude, what took you so long!"

"Shawn, I can not simply leave an official meeting just because you tell them my mailman died!"

"First of all, Gus, I didn't tell them your mailman died, I told them your mailman was on fire. Spontaneous combustion. The doctors were shocked and he specifically asked for you to hold his hand! How could you decline?"

"By valuing my job and refusing to give into your lame attempts to get me away from work?"

love is kind;

"Well, your co-workers clearly seem to think differently. They think you are a cold, harsh bastard now. And I really can't back you up here, dude..."

love is not envious

"I don't care, Shawn. They're planning to make me employee of the month and you're not gonna ruin it!"

"Employee of the month? How do they measure that, by counting the missing pills in your pockets?"

"Shut up, Shawn. Pharmaceuticals is a perfectly fine job."

"A lame job!"

"A secure job!"

or boastful

"A lame job. And please don't tell me they're giving you some weird, fancy picture of you where you grin like an idiot and it says..."

"Employee of the month."

"Yeah, something stupid like that, like in that Spongebob episode."

"That would make you Squidward."

"No, it wouldn't, because I don't care about your attempts to convince me that..."

"Employee of the month."

"Thank you. That 'Employee of the month' is a good..."

"I didn't say it like that."

"Like what?"

"That nasally, Shawn! I didn't say it that nasally."

"Of course you did."

"No, I didn't."

"Dude, you so totally did!"

or arrogant

"Whatever, Shawn. I'm the one who's getting the pay raise. And I deserve it. Because while you were hanging out at the beach I actually did something useful and earned us some money!"

or rude.

"I was looking for customers and I totally invited you to come along... just on second thought I'm glad you didn't. Dude, are you serious, I mean, I can not believe that you are wearing this. Believe me. This shirt makes me want to walk ten feet behind you and read the newspaper. The stock page actually, number for number, just so I don't have to turn the page at all and maybe accidentally be blinded by whatever colour that is supposed to be..."

"This is a perfectly nice shirt, Shawn! Why did you drag me out of work anyway!"

It does not insist on its own way;

"We so got ourselves a new case!"

"Really. When do we get to the point where we are equal partners and I have a say in this?"

"After we... solved it?"

"I don't think so. What kind of case?"

"Alright, listen up, because this is big! Did you read about the series of murders where the victims where hung upside down from the trees and-..."

it is not irritable

"The Jorring Hill mass murderers?! No, Shawn!"

"Gus, we-..."

"No! I am not going after a mass murderer the press declares as highly dangerous and cannibalistic!"

"Oh please, Gus, just because some fingers were missing and the press made a big deal about it doesn't mean that-..."

"I'm not doing it, Shawn! You want your toes cut off as an evening snack? Fine. Suit yourself. Hang yourself from the next tree with a free snacks sign dangling from your neck."

"Dude, seriously, that is so disgusting, I mean, I was going to buy but you just ruined my appetite big time."

"I ruined your appetite?"

"Yes. And you know I can not concentrate when I'm hungry."

or resentful;

"We're not taking this case, Shawn. We're not. I'm serious. No more serial killers. Do I have to remind you what almost happened last time?"

"You mean... when the guy would've gotten away if it hadn't been for us?"

"I mean the part where you almost got us killed!"

it does not rejoice in wrongdoing,

"Oh, Gus, please, I had everything under perfect control."

"No, you hadn't."

"Yes, I had."

"No, you hadn’t, Shawn, trying to argue with a madman over the track-covering benefits of different acids does not fall in the category of control!"

but rejoices in the truth.

"Alright, fine. Listen. Breathe deeply and listen to me. Do you really think the Chief or Lassy would let us investigate in a case that is threatened to be taken over by the FBI? No, Gus. Think about it! They only want us to assist. They want me to read the witnesses, the family members, the friends of the victims, they want me to make psychic connections, read guilt off them, dude, we probably won't even leave the department!"

"... we're only going to talk to the victims' families so you can read them?"

"Oh, Gus, of course we will!"

It bears all things,

"So why do you need me then?"

"Alright, here's the thing. Lassy and Jules want to be there when I talk to them. That leaves their desk unattended. So I need you to read through the paperwork!"

"And why would you need me to read through the paperwork if we stay in the department?"

"Just in case, Gus, it's always better to be prepared! And I need the information for my next psychic vision!"

"Forget it, Shawn. I'm not doing the reading stuff again so you can get the credit later!"

believes all things,

"Dude, this is not about the credit! This is for safety purposes only!"

"Safety purposes? Oh. Yes. And for a moment I was worried you'd mean dragging me to the scene of crime even though you said you wouldn't and getting us into trouble. ... Oh, wait a second. That's exactly what you mean! I don't think so, Shawn. Not gonna happen. Not this time."

hopes all things,

"Gus, you should really reconsider your choice of words. The way you talk it almost sounds like you're backing off from this. And we both know deep, deep inside you, you are thrilled and curious and hope this is going to be a fun and adventurous day!"

"No, Shawn. Actually, I'm not. Actually, I'm getting back in there. Right now. Go talk your way out of this alone."

endures all things.

"Oh, please, Gus, you can't do that."

"I can not? Well. Look at this, Shawn. Watch me walk."

"Gus? ... Gus! Gus, come back here! You... you walk like a pregnant monkey, did anyone ever tell you that?! Gus, come back here! I'm gonna stomp my foot! Don't make me stomp my foot! ... Gus!"

Muse: Shawn Spencer
Fandom: Psych
Words: 1,041 (without quote words)

rotm, gus

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