I play
head_playboy, normal journal is
How to contact me: Leave your comments here or send me an email at elihice(at)gmail(dot)com. I'm elihice on gchat, feel free to add me: it's much easier to catch me there than on IRC
Time zone: EST. Be aware that for me there's is no such thing as daylight saving time.
Availability: I'm a student who doesn't consider skipping class an option. So, sometimes, I actually need sleep. I play mostly on afternoons during weekdays and on Saturdays. Sundays might be busy due to family stuff.
Betaing: To check if an app is funny or in-character? Sure! Grammar? No. English is not my first language, it's the third. I still make horrible typos from time to time, so I'm not the best choice for that.
Other: ...I'm open to anything? Bodyswitch, helping with a post, just ask. Even random photoshop work, I enjoy doing that kind of stuff.