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anuna_81 March 15 2013, 19:52:09 UTC
Geez I fail at flail (so sorry! I was so out of it for the past few days, and seriously, your comment made me squee my head off but had no time to reply). Nat, Pepper and Darcy would rule the world and there would be no option :D Universal domination in one awesome swipe!

(Them pwning Loki was SO MUCH DAMN FUN where they're just so vague and seemingly honest and the best thing is, they ARE honest and not lying about ANYTHING and poor Loki is so confuzzled, his brain is going to explode. Or implode. Or both :D )

Clint... oh that boy. So, there's this idea running around fandom, and I support it, that Clint is a Sprongsteen fan? (and my Clint, he also likes Dire Straits and Knopfler, and Johnny Cash, and c&w; actually all the quality rock-ish music, especially those that makes you thoughtful - like Dire Straits). But especially Springsteen, because for me Clint is the guy from Springsteen's songs - "You know I ain't nobody's bargain, but hell, a little touch up and a little paint" - and that kind of guy longs for really simple things in life. Like peace. And a small place that's all of his own, and someone he can be content and happy with. he doesn't need the volatile attention like Tony does (seriously, my Tony feels!); also, Clint knows what he needs and he's just a steady guy. Solid like the earth. (Did you read my Clint meta?)



odakota_rose March 17 2013, 04:10:18 UTC
and the best thing is, they ARE honest and not lying about ANYTHING and poor Loki is so confuzzled, his brain is going to explode. Or implode. Or both :D

Both is good xD

And yeah, Clint's kinda the perfect Springsteen song, if that makes sense. It does in my head. I am all for this. And also yes to Dire Straits and Knopfler and Cash and all such storytellers because reasons. Idk, in my head he's got a beat up old truck that he tracked down- it belonged to a relative or an old man he knew years and years ago and he keeps it in storage but now and again he pulls it out and works on it for hours and that's how he recalibrates after hard missions.

And yes. Steady and solid are just the right combination of how I think of him. Which is why that conversation about being 'unmade' just gives me chills. Agh.

Eek, I haven't read it yet. At be_compromised right? I skimmed f-list this morning but we were leaving so I didn't get to read. *heads over*



anuna_81 March 17 2013, 16:09:53 UTC
Yes, he is definitely, definitely, a Springsteen song. He is... Glory days and No surrender and Thunder road and Human touch (all the lyrics, all of them so perfect for Clint, or him and Natasha together; Human touch is so perfect for them) So yes, all the storytellers. And yes, an old truck, or old car, which he looves, which he fixed with his own hands, because he is that kind of guy. There's no shine. What you see is what you get, and then more (and you don't expect it); he is this verse:

So you been broken and you been hurt
Show me soomebody who ain't
Yeah I know I ain't nobody's bargain
But hell a little touchup
And a little paint

He is this song. Unasuming, and if you don't truly listen to it, you might miss the nuances. (I just have tons and tons of feelings re Clint and music.)

My headcanon about him being steady and solid.... he is earth. He wasn't the steady - solid guy when he was younger, he learned and mastered it, he dealt with his issues and made himself a man who can control his every muscle and ... just wait up in a sniper perch as long as it takes. He's not a hot head (fandom likes to write him like that, and I think that comics!Clint and MCU Clint just aren't the same person.) I don't see a brash, short fuse guy; I mean, just watch him in the middle of that battle, on the roof? He is nonplussed by other Avengers, he fits into the team remarkably quickly. And he... sees and notices things, tells Tony what to do (correctly) and shoots his scary precise arrows all the while. If he were a character in harry Potter, he'd be in Hufflepuff. Amazingly efficient, tough background player. (I don't get how people sort him into Gryffindor.)

Anyway, Clint as Earth? He provides ground for Natasha's water (water can change shapes, just like she does, she can be nurturing and deadly current, and you can't destroy water. Whatever you do with water it will come back in some shape, and that's why I like to think of her as water). So, he is Earth and she is water, he gives her a ground to flow, and combined they can create amazing things. However post Loki? He is cracked, like earth after destructive earthquake, and I can see Natasha's water washing out the hard edges, soothing the ground back to its safe, friendly state. (I was told I write them kindly, and I am not going to apologize for that.)


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