An excerpt from one of my stories

May 03, 2005 06:14

The sun shone brightly on Tuesday morning, but it did not succeed in cheering up the denizens of the SAO house. As my informants tell it, the "honorable" members of that fraternity were so on edge that they were jumping at the sounds of birds chirping. Contrary to most of my targets, they fully realized the fate that was quickly sweeping upon them. The public humiliation that they had inflicted upon my client had been an impulsive action. Something devised and executed in less than five minutes by a group of drunken fratters. However, the next morning, and the soberness that inevitably came with it (at least for most of them) made them realize just how stupid their actions had been.

At another university- no, scratch that,- in another town, they could have gotten away with it unscathed. Their victim would have no recourse but to hope that he would someday be in a position to repay the favor. However, with the Marionette in operation, the balance was completely skewed. The SAO's knew, just like everyone else did, that I would be hired for vengeance. It was as sure as death, taxes, and lying politicians. Thus, the fratters were scared to death, because they knew that their futures held an event that would be either painful, humiliating, or maybe both.

In an emergency meeting the night before, Brandon, possibly the smartest of the group, had announced the danger in no uncertain terms:
Well, we've done it guys. There's no escaping it now. Our deeds of the other night will be avenged. James didn't take our deeds lightly. We've slighted his honor, and he has decided that there is only one way of recovering it: by paying us back in kind. Thus, the "puppet" has acquired a new master. He stalks us at this very moment. He's never failed before. Do you understand me? Never... before! We are defenseless and will fall before him with the same ease as all those who came before us. Unless...

Unless we act smarter. I'm instituting some new rules, boys. There will be no drinking, no partying, and no women until we eliminate this threat to our members. Absolutely no one but members are allowed in the house, including parents, girlfriends, siblings, or other friends. If some kid comes here on a tour, and he wants to see a frat house, he can go somewhere else. I don't care who it is, if they aren't a member, they aren't getting in here. Secondly, don't leave the house unless it's necessary. Unless you're going to class or getting food, I don't care. Keep your butts in here and you might stand a chance. Otherwise it'll be like the first day of deer season. Finally, don't go anywhere alone. I'm expecting a blanket attack, but this sick freak might resort to a personalized system of revenge. When you go to class, make sure you have a friend with you. If you don't have any friends in your class, get some of us to go with you. We can beat this guy as long as we're smart, so just think straight and we'll be okay.

They were running scared, and Brandon knew it. All his brave talk simply covered up the fact that neither he nor anyone else in that room had any idea what was going on. They didn't know what I looked like; their members stood out like sore thumbs. They had no experience with this kind of situation; I faced this stuff for spending money. Finally, they were scared spitless, and I know just how to manipulate frightened animals. Sometimes, I love my job.
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