Mar 08, 2006 01:28
My day yesterday was interesting, but it would no doubt be rather boring to most. Therefore, allow me to relate a single incident from my adventures.
Get this: it was around 2:00 AM when we all started watching a movie. "We" being Mark, Sarah, Taylor, and Myself. It was some Japanese gangster film that Taylor found, called Dead or Alive. It seemed promising... until we actually started watching it. After a whirlwind introduction, lasting about five minutes, during the course of which there was a striptease; a man sniffing a line of coke the length of the Plunkett lobby (from wing door to wing door); the death of that same individual by shotgun by an assassin who was standing on the roof of his car; and a guy dancing rave-style for no apparent reason. Among other elements. After about 20 minutes of trying, we all realized that we had absolutely no idea what was going on, and gave up, opting to chat instead, and watch the movie only whenever an interesting scene occurred.
Well, the big point was the climax. The supposed "good guy" (I was never sure who anyone was or where they belonged on the scale of good and evil) drove a car straight towards the "bad guy" and his bodyguards. One of the bodyguards -of which there were two- commenced with throwing grenades towards the car. Two grenades missed, and he finally pulled the pin on a grenade and jumped through the windshield of the car, in a kamikaze attack. The car exploded, flipped, and was airborne for about 3 seconds.
The remaining bodyguard and the bad guy started towards it, with the apparent intent of making sure of their adversary's death. Suddenly, but not completely unexpectedly, a shot rang out from the car, killing the bodyguard. The good guy crawled out from under the car with a single arm, and then proceed to pull a bazooka from under his suit jacket. How he was hiding that bazooka is beyond me, considering there was never any sort of bulge in his jacket. Anyway, he aimed it at the bad guy, who then stuck his hand into his own chest, and pullet out a glowing red orb. He looked at it, rather shocked, for a bit, before throwing it at the good guy. The good guy shot it with a rocket at the last second, and there was a firework like explosion. The final scene was a view of Earth from space, with Japan and part of China visible. Mark joked "Watch the world explode."
This proved to be prophetic as a few moments later, a humongous explosion emanated from the center of Japan, and then waves of energy discreated the planet. All this in a movie that, up until those final 2 minutes had absolutely no elements of the supernatural or the mystical. It was, as we all agreed, trippy as heck. During and after the movie, I think I said "I feel so high right now" about 5 times.
Final conclusion and lesson learned from this event? Japanese movies are like an audio-visual acid trip, so be forewarned. Good night.