Jan 18, 2005 20:26
In dreams, there is no time. The world around you is based purely on thought and mind, and neither thought nor mind comprehend time. Ideas and theories arise about the aspect of dreaming, but there are no answers, because the aspect of dreaming is beyond the waking minds own comprehension.
In the recent past certain ideas of dreams have formed into more than ideas, they have become answers. Truths about dreaming which I, Borra, plan to show you.
It was on the third day of the seventh year of Areasha when Adam Veska, one of the seven Dreamers became aware of the First Truth of Dreams. Veska's mind sight was no less than incredible, and with it he saw that the mind accually travels to another world during a dream. The world that once seemed a fiction created by ones mind, truely was another world, another universe, another realm in which no man could travel to without being in dream.
Veska and the seven dreamers dreamt on with this new angle on their lives, and with the power of perspective they bend and changed the way they dreamt. Then the oldest and wisest dreamer, Di Vocc, learned to control his dream entirely, and he became free. The first human in all of time to claim freedom in the dream realm. The six other dreamers studied under Vocc until they too became free.
The Dream Realm is beyond words. It has existed longer than any Realm known to any being in all of the age. It has been built by the mighty and destroyed by the powerful. The Dream Realm is a world of insanity to the waking eye, because the waking eye cannot understand such incredible things. It is heaven and hell and everything greater.
In the ninth year of Areasha Lu Vocc the son of Di Vocc worked in secret to find a way to transport physical things into the Dream Realm. Lu Vocc was the youngest Dreamer, the most inquisitive of the seven. He was also the strongest of the seven dreamers while in the Dream Realm.
Lu Vocc did it. The first object moved from the physical world to the dream world was a golden box named "Pandora", by using both his mental and physical strength Lu Vocc could indeed transport things between the realms. Things of the phyical world are far more powerful while in the dream world. The golden box gave Lu Vocc abilities which were far superior to anything the other Dreamers could ever wish to do. Lu Vocc became godly in the dream world, and he became corrupt. Five of the six other Dreamers joined Lu Vocc in his ruling of the Dream Realm. One fought, Di Vocc, he fought his son seeking to destroy "Pandora", and he fought and fought. In the end Di Vocc was proven to be too old and worn to kill Lu Vocc. Di Vocc was slain, the oldest of the Dreamers passed, as the six left fell into a world of power and corruption.
Lu Vocc and The Five were foolish, and they did not know that the Dream Realm would defend itself from physical intruders. The Dream Realm created the Million Undreamt. One Million warriors whose only intension was to destroy "Pandora". The six Dreamers were hunted and destroyed, slain by their own Dreams. "Pandora" however was not destroyed, but was instead opened. The Undreamt and the Dream Realm became twisted, bent and all sanity faded. The Dream Realm was corrupted by the Six Humans, the first humans ever to be free in the Dream Realm. For "Pandora" was a weapon, which Lu Vocc intended to use all along.
Lu Vocc was reborn, this was only known to one of the Undreamt, Ecx'xvor. Lu Vocc's new form was a human, who had no knowledge of his past life as Lu Vocc. It was then that the Reborn, created by the Dream Realm itself became hunted. For The Undreamt remembered Lu Vocc.